Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/494

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454 INDEX. type of Venus in, ii. 155; statuette of Hercules in, ii. 176; ancient Syrian vase in, ii. 266 ; earthen- ware objects in, ii. 271, 272^., 273, 276; glass necklace in, ii. 336; metal cup in, ii. 348 ; pectoral in, " 373> 374; ivories in, ii. 398; weapons in, ii. 413. New York; sarcophagi in, i. 197; statuettes from Athieno in, ii. 127, 143; limestone groups in, ii. i84#., i85. ; statuettes in, ii. 190, '9 1 . 357- Palermo ; sarcophagi in, i. 193. Turin ; curious monument in, ii. 59- Mycenae, i, 314. N. NAHR-ABRACH, stele from, ii. n, 12, 15- Nahr-Amrith, i. 255. Nahr-el-Kelb, i. 4, 6. Nahr-el-Litani, i. 4. Nahr-Ibrahiin, i. 257. Nana, Assyrian, ii. 44. Nea Paphos, tombs at, i. 230-232. Nebuchadnezzar at Tyre, i. 39. Necropolis at Amrit, i. 151-160, 162, 163, 178, 179; at Sidon, i. 161-164; at Adloun, i. 173; of Gebal, i. 173, 174; Idaliot, i. 215-217; at Alam- bra, i. 218-220, ii. 148; at Athieno, i. 220-222 ; of Amathus, i. 222, 227 ; ii. 155; of Carthage, i. 234-239; of Caralis (in Sardinia), i. 239 ; of Thar- ros, i. 239-248 ; at Badja, i. 372- 374- Nesepteitis, altar to goddess, i. 136. Nile valley, temples of the, i. 286. Nineveh, Phoenicians paid tribute to, i. 38 ; platters found at, i. 98 ; stepped ornament from, i. 136 ; ivories from, i- 137- Numidian kings, monument to the, i. 384. O. ODYSSEY on Cyprus, ii. 90^., 91. CEnochoe in Louvre, ii. 277 ; from Curium, ii. 291; figured, ii. 306; glass, ii. 336. Ohnefalsch-Richter, M., opinion of old Cyprian pottery, ii. 325. Olive, tradition of the, ii. 99. Oppert, M., stone from Babylon, ii. 38 23i., 232. Ormidia, vases froro, ii. 294, 308. Orthros, figure of, ii. 171. Osirsamar, i. 318. Osiris, i. 7, 246 ; ii. 124, 385. Ostrich eggs in British Museum, ii. 404, 45- Oued-Loukos, ancient Lixus, i. 346. Ouha-abra, ii. 273. Oum-ef-Awamid, doors, i. 129, 130; sphinxes at, i. 131, 132; stone troughs at, i. 137 : sarcophagus at, i. 180 ; ruins at, i. 3.80 ; sculptured lions at, ii. 37, 40. Ousoos, ii. 23. P. PAIS, Signer Ettore, i. 239^. Palermo, sarcophagi from, i. 184, 193, 194. Palestrina, discoveries at, i. 98. Palmette, frequent use of, in Phoe- nician decoration, i. 135, 138 ; on sarcophagi, ii. 207, 21 1 ; on Sardinian jewellery, ii. 242, 390. Panaghia-Phaneromeni, i. 288. Pan-pipes, ii. 199. Paphos, temple at, i. 123, 273-280, 283, 286, 297, 330-332 ; goddess on seals, ii. 236 ; temple on Cyprian ring, ii. 242 ; bronze vase from, ii. 362^. Parian, colony founded, i. 38. Parrot, Dr., on god Ptah, ii. i8;/., igw. Pavement, invention of street, i. 368. Pediment from Gebal, i. 174; from Athieno, ii. ig6?i. Pelasgians, i. 339. Pe'retie, M., i. 205^. ; bronzes in collec- tion of, ii. 2, 3, 36. Perfume, phials of, found in tombs, i. 203 ; frequent use of, amongst the Phoenicians, ii. 395, 397. Persia, conquests by, i. i, 45 ; Cyprian revolt against, i. 299 ; Ionian revolt against, ii. 101 ; Artemis in, ii. 170. Pharaoh on bas-relief at Byblos, ii. 9. Philo, human sacrifices, i. 76^. ; temple in Malta, i. 314 ; engineer, i. 353, 357- Phocea destroyed by Harpagus, i. 45. Phocians, land in Gaul, i. 43 ; founded town of Alabia in Corsica, i. 45. Phoenicia, i. 15 ; mixed population in, i. 41 ; vassal of Egypt and Assyria,