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604 INDEX D'Ache", French Admiral, character of, 142 Fails to co-operate with Lally, 142 Withdraws to the Isle of France, 143 Dalhousie, Lord, Governor-General of India, 418 Daulat Rao Sindhia, influence of, 308- 309 Davenant, Sir Charles, on the East India trade conditions, 60-62 Delhi taken by Lake, 327 Dost Mohammad restored to power in Kabul, 404 Dover, secret treaty of, between the English and the French king, 39 Dow, extract from the history of Hindu- stan by, 203-204 Duff, Grant, author of a " History of the Marathas," 193 Dumas, an early governor of Pondi- cherri, 93 Dunkirk sold to France, 33 Dupleix appointed to the Governorship of Pondicherri in 1741, 93 Schemes of territorial extension of, 101 Violates the terms of the surrender of Madras, 106 Defeats the Nawabof theKarnatic, 106 Policy of, 107-108 Motives of, in interfering with native politics, 116-117 Recalled to France, 121 Failure of the policy of, 121 Death of, 123 Characterization of, 129-131 Dutch-Spanish negotiations in regard to the Eastern trade, 11-12 Dutch and English quarrel in the East while they preserve the strictest amity at home, 12 Exclude the English from the Spice Islands trade, 15 At bitter war in the East, 21-22, 24-25, 29,30 Drive the English from the coast of Eastern Asia, 30 Eastern position of, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, 90 Defeated in Bengal by the English, 183 E East Indies, meaning of the term in the seventeenth century, 14-15 Edward VII, durbar of, 464 Ellenborough, Lord, Governor-General of India, 403 Determines to retire from Afghanistan, 403-404 Recalled, 406 Elphinstone criticizes Dupleix, 125 Empress of India, title of, assumed by Victoria, 464 England and Holland combine against the Portuguese Asiatic settlements under Spanish rule, 8 France and Holland allied against, in 1665, 33 Possessions of, in Asia, 35 Political reasons leading to the success of, in Asia, 36, 38 Complications of the foreign relations of, 37 Second war of, with Holland, in 1665, 38 Third war of, with Holland, in 1672, 39-40 Successful Eastern trade of, at the end of the seventeenth century, 60 War of, with France, in South India, 72 Declares war in Europe against France 100, 101 Strength of the navy of, in 1755, 135 Carries out Col. James Mill's scheme for conquering Bengal ten years after its inception, 163 At war with France, Spam, Holland, and the American colonies, 259 Confirmation by treaty of conquests of, in the East, 359-360 Territory ruled by, in India, 383-384 Why supreme in India, 493 Control and influence of, beneficial to India, 497 English, defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588, 8 Commerce in. the East advanced by the hostilities between Holland and France, 40, 41 Dominion in the East, reasons leading to, and history of, 63-74 Alliance of the, with Nasir Jang and Mohammad Ali, 118 Army, strength of, in India, in 1754, 131 Dethrone Siraj-ad-daulah and set up another Nawab, 141 Expel the French from Bengal, 141 Reasons for the triumph of the, in India, 150-151 Obtain a farman in 1716 from the Moghul Emperor, 163 Occupy Bengal, 176 Seize all French settlements in India, 248