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Asha.[1] Kinship with Vohu Manah is sought through Asha.[2] Ahura Mazda wields power between the rival factions of righteousness and wickedness through Asha.[3] Through Asha and Vohu Manah Ahura Mazda apportions vigour and durability, weal and immortality unto those who practise righteousness and good thinking.[4] Through Asha's righteousness does the world prosper by deeds prompted by Vohu Manah's good thoughts.[5] Through Asha again is Ahura Mazda's help sought that Vohu Manah may come.[6] Ahura Mazda is implored to reveal knowledge of the path of Vohu Manah through Asha.[7] The creator of the world confers with Asha to know about a lord who can alleviate the sufferings of the kine.[8] Zarathushtra seeks to know through Vohu Manah what Asha said to the creator.[9] Ahura Mazda is asked to give long life which is Asha's gift.[10] The pious declare that they will never provoke the wrath of Asha.[11]

Ahura Mazda asks Zarathustra to seek information from Asha.[12] Asha gives counsel to those who listen to him.[13] Wisdom exalts communities through Asha's righteousness.[14] Ahura Mazda knows what is best for man in this life through Asha.[15] He teaches his best doctrines through Asha.[16] Armaiti is asked to enlighten the conscience of men through Asha.[17] Men of good understanding know Armaiti's devotion as the source of Asha's righteousness.[18] Asha and Armaiti are united in the heavenly realms.[19] Ahura Mazda has devised his creed with Asha that Vishtaspa embraces.[20] Asha gives power to his zealous adherents.[21] He furthers men's possessions.[22] Men make the pastures prosper through the practice of Asha's righteousness.[23] The wicked strive to hinder the good work of those who further Asha's righteousness by prospering the cattle by their diligence.[24] Ahura Mazda created plants for the cattle.[25] Diligent persons gain cattle through Asha.[26] The prophet is awarded precious animals and weal and immortality by Ahura Mazda through Asha.[27]

  1. Ys. 31. 13.
  2. Ys. 45. 9.
  3. Ys. 44. 15.
  4. Ys. 45. 10.
  5. Ys. 43. 6.
  6. Ys. 44. 1.
  7. Ys. 34. 12.
  8. Ys. 29. 2, 3, 6.
  9. Ys. 46. 9.
  10. Ys. 28. 6.
  11. Ys. 28. 9.
  12. Ys. 43. 12.
  13. Ys. 51. 11.
  14. Ys. 34. 14.
  15. Ys. 45. 4.
  16. Ys. 48. 3.
  17. Ys. 33. 13.
  18. Ys. 34. 10.
  19. Ys. 46. 16.
  20. Ys. 51. 16.
  21. Ys. 51. 1.
  22. Ys. 33. 11.
  23. Ys. 44. 20.
  24. Ys. 46. 4.
  25. Ys. 48. 6.
  26. Ys. 51. 5.
  27. Ys. 44. 18.