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inner nature and patient study of Ahura Mazda's marvellous work in creation, Zarathushtra understands the ways of Ahura Mazda. He knows the wise lord through the enlightenment of his mind. His heart yearns to own Ahura Mazda. From the depth of his heart, he prays unto him, invokes him in silence and with the pronounced words of his mouth. He bums incense of devotion unto his maker upon the fire burning on the altar in the holy temple of his heart The fire first flares and flickers, then blazes and burns, and illumines the sublime path that leads to Ahura Mazda. He dedicates his will and his desire and his heart and his life and himself unto him. He loses himself in devoted love for him. He sees with Ahura Mazda's eyes and hears with Ahura Mazda's ears. He communes with him and he becomes one with him. He is eager that his hearers should share the incomparable gift of Armaiti with him. With earnest longing he asks Ahura Mazda when Armaiti's devotion will ennoble the lives of those to whom he proclaims his faith.[1] The members of different ranks of Iranian society that have embraced his religion fervently pray that the good and holy Armaiti may be theirs.[2] Those who have devoutly accepted the commandments of Ahura Mazda are eager to devote their hearts unto him.[3]

Armaiti's work. Armaiti teaches the ordinances of Ahura Mazda.[4] She furthers the imperishable Kingdom of Ahura Mazda.[5] Those who make Armaiti's devotion their own, become holy.[6] Armaiti blesses them with plenty and prosperity.[7] Ahura Mazda is asked to give vigour through her.[8] Zarathushtra asks the faithful to exalt Ahura Mazda with devotional prayers.[9] His religion inspires truthful deeds through the words of Armaiti.[10] In the Vedas we find Aramati linked with rta, that is, devotion in connection with the moral order,[11] So we are told in the Gathas that Asha's righteousness is furthered by Armaiti.[12] As righteousness is the outcome of the life of Armaiti's devotion, the wise one bases his conduct upon her inspiration.[13] The prophet asks Frashaoshtra to lead the faithful to the life of communion with Asha's righteousness and

  1. Ys. 44. 11.
  2. Ys. 32. 2.
  3. Ys. 31. 1.
  4. Ys. 43. 6.
  5. Ys. 28. 3.
  6. Ys. 51. 21.
  7. Ys. 49. 5.
  8. Ys. 33. 12.
  9. Ys. 45. 10.
  10. Ys. 44. 10.
  11. RV. 5. 43. 6.
  12. Ys. 44. 6.
  13. Ys. 34. 10.