Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/109

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LAWS. 95 hire a slave for the express purpose of climbing trees, the master being fully aware thereof, and the slave fall and he killed, the master shall receive an equit- able return for the price of his slave." — " If a man hire from another a slave, and have said to the master beforehand, ' he may possibly be killed/ and the master reply, * if he be killed, let him be killed,' and it turn out that the slave is really killed, the master shall receive but one-third of his price ; that is, he shall forfeit two-thirds." — '* If a person hire a buffalo, and place the animal in an enclosure near a dwelling, and, in that situation, it be killed by a tiger, he shall restore half his price only, for he was not to blame ; but, if the bufifalo have been placed in a pen at a distance from a dwelling, then he shall pay his full price." — " If a man hire a woman, and deflower her, he shall be fined one tahil and one paha, but if with the wo- man's consent, only five vias." — " If a man hire a female slave, and violate her, he shall, if she have been a virgin, pay to her master a fine of ten maSy one piece of cloth, and one vest, Bqju ; but if the woman have been a widow, the fine is only five maSj and no cloth or vest. This is the law of the totim, ndgri, the country, desdy and the river, SungaL In the Javanese laws, I discover two enactments respecting the letting of lands, sufficiently declara- tory of the arbitrary violence which prevails on this subject. They are as follow : " If a person sub-