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should be assumed that in any sort of intelligence gathering that you do there will be some disinformation. And I'm trained to spot that and filter it out, but, you know, you should understand that it's -- you know, no one's perfect.

And so we've essentially filtered out everything that we think is disinformation and we're not going to present that to you here. We're going to present to you things that we think come from credible sources, but we're not going to warrant to you that what we -- that this is -- that this is all true. And, you know --

MR. QUIGLEY: He said it was raw data. Is that correct?


MR. QUIGLEY: In some an respect?

MR. SIMPSON: It's HUMINT, right? It's human source information.

  One minute.

MR. SIMPSON: And humans sometimes lie, and more frequently they just get it wrong.

MR. QUIGLEY: Did he ever, in talking to you subsequent to the release of the document, say that he thought he would alter any of it after the fact or information he had gathered later?

MR. SIMPSON: I have -- I have talked to him about that. And he remains -- he continues to believe that it is largely not disinformation.

MR. QUIGLEY: I think that's our time. We have votes, right?

MR. ROONEY: We have to vote. Before we break, I just want to ask one question, based on Adam's question, just so I don't forget, and then we'll come back, if that's cool.

All those questions that Mr. Schiff asked about, you know, with the