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Cut I shows how to place the tape line on a corset with an extreme low bust and having the girdle-top shaping, which means that the front clasp is higher than the cent er bust. The tape measure practically follows the contour of the corset from the top of the back-wire to the under­arm across the top of the corset at center bust to front clasp, which will bring it down on front clasp about to. the top of the first hook. This measurement. taken as directed, will give you the development of the top of the corset. In measur­ing this corset off the figure, care must be taken to have the corset stretched out flat.

Corsetieres should not become confused by allowing the measurements of the figure and the measurements of the corset to conflict. The meas­urements of the figure and the measurements of the corset are two distinct operations. The meas­urements of the figure are always taken at exactly the same points, as outlined on pages 3 and 4 of this booklet, and are used as a basis upon which to form the judgment necessary to correct corset selection. These measurements are always taken the ,same, no matter whether the corset selected be high or low bust. The corset itself is only measured to verify the order sent in to find if directions have been accurately followed.