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a White Pawn on Q5 and Black Pawns on QB2 and K2, and either of the Black Pawns moves two squares, to QB4 or K4, it may be captured en passant by the White Pawn.

En Prise. A Piece or Pawn is en prise when it is not fully defended and can be taken by the adversary. The term is used with reference to everything but the King and corresponds with check or checkmate. A Piece or Pawn is en prise, while the King is in check.

Establish. A Piece or Pawn is established when it occupies a position from which it cannot be dislodged, and whence it exercises a direct influence upon the opposing force.

Exchange. To take force for force. In it there may be equality or relative gain or loss. To win an exchange is to capture a Rook in return for the loss of a Knight or a Bishop. To lose an exchange is to capture a Bishop or Knight in exchange for a Rook.

False Move. A move that is contradic-