Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1043

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three merry b. are we 712 If till the b. come home 846 8 votive train of girls and b 676 11 who being mature 601 II Bracelet-of truest princess 406 IS Bracelets-amber b., beads 33 8 to adorn the wife 689 7 Brackish-with salt of human... .799 36 Bradshaw-while B. bullied 355 10 Brae-like spirit on the b 851 11 primrose down the b 278 10 Braes-among thy green b 12 19 banks and b. o'bonny Dodo.. .200 6 blinks on flowery b 704 3 cam o'er the b. of Balloch 869 14 hae run about the b 296 13 'mang b. o'Balquhither .693 S see the b. of Yarrow 676 1 Brag-beauty is Nature's b. 60 11 is left this vault to b. of 453 6 Braggart-knows himself a b 145 13 shall be found an ass 14513 Braggarts-Jacks, milksops! 714 IS prince of b. is he 75 9 Bragging-the b. soldier 728 6 time was over 852 13 Brags-of his impudence 49 7 Bnihma-chanted B.'s might 627 18 Brahmin-talks of races 2311 Turk and B., monk and Jew.. .627 18 Braid-tangled in silver b 273 8 Hraided-hair, so once b 349 17 'twas a thing to be b 348 4 Brain-and burning b 419 9 better the poet's heart than b..358 11 blind life within the b 628 10 bounded in a shallower b 864 10 changes of studies a dull b 757 14 children of an idle b 203 11 children of the b 80 11 each busy b. creates 203 t feeble b. of man to wade 317 7 from heat oppressed b 34 16 fumes invade the b 47 3 gets dry as an empty nut 602 16 globe, a vast head, b 218 10 I had fire enough in my b 387 I intoxicate the b 436 8 is citadel of the senses 515 13 like madness in the b 27 13 long is the calm b. active 794 17 may devise laws 28 16 memory, warder of the b 508 11 my b. I know, I am not mad.. 396 18 of this foolish—compounded.. .429 16 out of the carver's b 304 11 phrases in his b 220 8 polish our b. against 880 8 possess a poet's b 608 5 press the b. its light goes out. .356 11 productions of the b 204 B researches vex the b 48 9 rivets forced into the b 563 14 schoolmasters puzzle their b... .875 10 stirrings of the b. of it 664 18 the heart and not the b .472 6 tlu- very coinage of your b 387 9 three wicks b., blood, breath. .356 11 tobacco . . . turns a b 804 10 too finely wrought 787 13 visions of a busy b 201 10 washing b. and heart 29 9 > whatever comes from the b.... 100 8 which is as dry 810 11 written troubles of the b 503 17 youth with unstuffd b 90 31 Brains-blew out b. in Frisco 378 16 burned out of our b 796 3 care draws in the b. of men.... 720 7 excise our b 752 17 life was driving at b 453 14 wan who has b. enough 924 10 mix them with my b 576 14 new eras in their b 22 9 racked his b 158 3 strains from hard-bound b 608 4 to steal away their b 399 16 unhappy b. for drinking 2O6 10 were out, man would die 535 1 with empire* in their b 753 6 Brake-cuddles behind the b 5SO 18 Urama-assai, poco spera 105 18 ^rumbles-aleeM on b 207 10 Urarmns-aay, blooms nowhere.. .78114 Bran-nature hath meal and b 127 1 Branch-each b. of piety 321 6 lops the moulder d b 225 9 Branchca-but its b. rough 281 13 close uncrowded b. spread 541 9 downward Dent 873 13 faithful are thy b 365 6 hide a lost spirit 872 14 hisb.sere 563 9 o'er my corse green b. wave.. .337 19 out-bound stem has b. three.. .745 4 rippling through thy b 69 7 sinks amid the b. high 535 17 superfluous b. we lop 304 8 their b. spread a city 597 4 through D. shout 563 1 thy b. ne'er remember 272 3 Branchless-than yours so b 374 16 Brand-distaff, not the b 133 13 horseman's crooked b 843 1 man with infamy 438 11 shall bring a b. from heaven.. .133 1 Brandy-fou o' b 2O4 11 for b. nothing extenuate 875 13 glass of b. and water 875 11 hero must drink b 875 33 sipped b. and water 205 3 to taste a little b 610 10 Bransloire-le monde qu'une b—915 4 Brass-ami ribbed with b 548 17 become as sounding b 107 1 drawn his wit as well in b 701 7 evil manners live in b 493 13 lag at the summoning b 336 17 more enduring than b 524 14 only under b. current 492 18 on plates of b 794 7 she is a wall of b 842 stronger guard than b 839 that was writ in b 701 this thy wall of B 131 upon b. time will efface it 525 walls of beaten b 634 13 when B. and Marble fade 700 11 Brassy-bosoms and rough 87 9 ftrat-«tolen b. be known 598 11 3rauch-nicht fremder B 15419 3rauchen-wohnt in alten B 154 10 Bravado-gasconade and b 866 19 I met the sun's b 462 9 Bravc-a b. man deserves 497 11 a b. man's country 587 a b. man struggling 264 all b. would lead uneasy 589 always beating cowards 589 Alonto the B. was the name.. .472 and stood still the b 704 lo arc born from b 24 14 awe upon the b 889 7 be gentle as b 400 19 binds b. of all the earth 373 23 combat even with the b 847 18 contemns the b S97 10 fears of the b 447 3 fortune favors the b S3 7, 289 16 fortune, thou envicet the b.... 292 i home of the b. and free. .225 6, 274 16 in silks and laces 786 6 intimidates the b 345 13 living to be b. men 217 18 man gave it me 805 9 man matched in conflict 10 4 man not he who feels no 267 13 man with a sword 149 34 men living and dead 727 11 men ne'er warred with dead... 859 1 men would act though 259 31 misery tries b. men 518 9 necessity makes timid b 551 10 no failure for good and b 253 10 one-half of mankind b 589 4 on, ye b.f who rush to glory... 844 8 que le b. 1'evite 180 3 soldier b. enough to tell 858 18 so that my life be b 444 6 spring of all b. acts 142 16 that the b. endure 221 13 the b. live on 145 11 the b. love mercy 145 13 the b. man chooses 820 16 the b. man's country 586 16 the b. of all the earth 102 31 there are spirits b 441 33 tho'peaceful, are b 401 7