Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1297

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Shiver-and shake Gaffer Grey. ,762 12 men s. when thou'rt mimed.. . .337 16 to be gone 52 8 Shivered-was fair Scotland's 855 10 Shoal-bank and s. of time 453 6 marks this stern coast 549 13 Shoals-bell set in rushing s 69 1 thin, airy s. . ■. 34 4 Shock-bilges the vessel 704 11 comes on mind with like s 340 9 dread the electric s 136 IS fodder's in the s 52 14, 649 16 hiding from the s. of day 769 14 it gives their feelings 657 18 may give a s. of pleasure 596 7 sink beneath the s 113 6 the s. of men 730 3 to break the s 256 1 to s. the eye 127 11 Shocked-was a good deal s 780 20 Shocking-many s. bad hats 355 19 Shocks-beauty that s. you 103 12 milkmaid s. the Graces 483 18 of passion can prepare 581 20 thousand natural s 176 7 withstand s. of adversity 303 21 with the s. of doom 454 5 Shod-damsel, deftly s 705 16 feet are s. with silence 323 1 luce a mountaineer 483 18 Shoe-a worn-out-s 208 2 be Spanish or neat's 650 1 fling her old s. after 484 21 like the s. in the story 290 8 set off in a wooden s 110 8 the s. was lost 90 6 see also Shoemaking pp. 705, 706 Shoemaker-see pp. 705, 706 Shoes-call for his old s 16 7 ere those s. were old 894 16 little blue unused s 54 2 more than over s. in love 480 4 scoundrel master's s 536 19 ships and sealing-wax 777 16 slaves and wear wooden s 293 22 takes off his s S 17 treat creatures like s 829 20 see also Shoemaking pp. 705, 706 Shoe-string-careless s. in whose. . 32 8 Shone-as e'er she s. straight 525 11 being purely s. upon 108 17 the goddess s. before .322 12 they s. forth the more 565 5 while she lived she s 231 16 Shook-by all gusts that sweep. . .482 22 fires that s. me 182 6 little wind that hardly s 348 10 the more 'tis s 819 22 Shoot-a fellow down 847 7 at crows is powder thrown 152 8 back upon understanding 902 16 folly as it flies 493 20 higher than who ayms 761 24 him on the spot 274 lo if you must this old 275 17 neighbors s. thee round 71 4 nest is in a water'd s 359 3 strong but never strait 645 14 them as they fly 922 20 the way you shout ;*» 8 topmost a. of climbing poesy- .4&J 22 young Idea how to s '80 10 Shooting-at the dove 631 19 when they are s. at you w 2 Shoots-at midday sunne 761 24 at rovers 805 6 bright s. of everlastingnesse . . .JS9 23 rising up ......■-•••••-•*•■•■ &®& * who aime'th at sky s. higher. . .760 10 Shop-beggar's s. is shut 368 13 censer in a barber's s 777 6 in his needy s. a tortoise 504 3 keep your s. and 85 13, 87 19 shuts up her gaudy s. ■■i?J 1 S wherefore art not in thy s 7Uo » Shopkeeper-never get custom — 225 11 Shopkeepers-influenced by s 225 6 nation of s 85 5, 222 23 Shopkeeping-true of s. nation. . . .225 11 Shopping-continuous round of s. .31 16 ghore-after-silence on the s 564 27 against the bouhdry s 567 24 back f FQna the echoeless s 793 $ boat is on the s 802 1 buried by the upbraiding s . . . . 277 13 but never came to s 703 11 control stops with the s 566 7 down upon northern s 748 10 from the Nightly b 656 10 from thy s. tempests 754 10 haunted s. of song 538 16 is won at last 760 14 its inhospitable s 799 26 keep close to the s 647 1 kissed his pebbled s 53 17 lands Thought on further s 256 1 line of the vacant s 791 20 little boats keep near s 645 17 love the s., let others 568 9 misty troubled s 110 12 never on dull tames 566 13 ocean for the s 567 IS odours from the spicy s 593 22 of earthly being 797 21 on silent s. of memory 509 18 on some silent s 168 11 parted from the s 74 24 pass from the s 220 16 pebbles on the s 657 21,821 3 rapture on the lonely s 600 10 rise upon some other s 171 19 signal to go to the s 169 6 songs of another s 537 6 such is aspect of this s 342 6 terrors of that horrid b 57 14 thy wild and willow'd s 785 8 trust to the s 549 3 unhappy folks on s 703 6 unknown and silent s 170 23 upon the Irish s 260 21 we, on its s. share 361 10 whose remotest s 401 20 Shoreless-Bhrouds the s. seas 556 6 Shores-bleak are our s 847 16 by s. of old romance 676 16 desolate s. of doubt 734 4 exult O s. and ring O bells 459 16 fading on the s. of Dawn 530 3 far along the gloomy s 840 23 island rugged without s 372 26 kiss most exalted s 791 16 rocky are her s 756 9 skirts the safer s 550 12 to what strange s 426 4 'twixt the dangerous s 872 4 waves lash frightened s 754 6 with classic s. to vie 740 17 Shorn-come home s. themselves. . 641 3 Short-advice you give be s 10 22 and far between 326 16 and the long of it 642 19 as it violent is 886 22 brutish and s 446 G for those who Rejoice 768 10 hows, is life 389 2,445 9 in the story itself 755 12 is his joy 594 20 is my date 257 12 life is s. yet sweet 445 2 of His can and body 399 5 our happy days appear 795 lo saying contains much 881 10 too s. modish shoes 705 8 too wide or s. in human wit . . . 397 19 where he falls s 510 19 Shorter-days grow s 455 4 time to make it s 618 6 Shortest-fiercest agonies s 588 2 follies are best 283 10 Shortrlived-and s. pain 901 17 Shortness-than s. of life 449 21 to spend that s. basely 452 21 Shot-aim of every dangerous s. . .275 12 an arrow into the air 92 18 fool's bolt is soon s 285 8 has its commission 857 12 heard round the world 845 23 stormed at with s. and 858 8 stray picket is s 842 l till some certain s. be paid 268 2 volley of words quickly s. off. .906 27 Shots-like s. in battle 294 25 Should-do when we would 96 6 no better than you s. be 641 10 thing I s. be 661 21 Shoulder-dwarf on giant'g s I %$ from the s. to wrist 873 23 hollow in every human s 136 1 on the marble of her s 349 4 put his s. to the wheel 6 16 Shoulders-adown his s 347 23 Atlantean s 194 18 by the head and s 905 7 carry them on our s 341 7 not beneath his s. broad 685 1 stands on any s. that I see. . . .252 2 will or will not bear 48 2 Shout-rings no hunter's s 543 18 rout send forth joyous s 851 1 send their s. to the stars 751 28 shoot the way you s 728 8 some s. him 614 16 that tore hell's concave 740 8 Shouted-sons of God s. for joy.. .537 10 Shouting-their emulation 37 6 tumult and the s. dies 287 12 when beside them drop 562 6 Shouts-and plaudits of 101 10 to scare the monster 891 3 Shovel-invent as 333 7 sure the s. and the tongs 497 24 them under 336 12 Shoves-you from the stage 15 18 231 3 as 'twere to s 363 26 a woman when he loves 465 13 by outward s. let's not 35 10 dances and public s 518 7 do not s. their love 470 11 driveller and as 447 3 ever s. and ever hide him 320 20 him by leaving him 731 7 his s. to complete 859 12 in his simple s 812 7 it by their examples 830 1 it most of all when 414 26 life-inclining stars best s 565 10 little can a moment s 63 12 lurks under s. of peace 588 9 make a s. of war 849 14 makes the fairest s 183 21 marched forth in gallant s? 725 16 me a liar, and I will s 486 1 mock time with fairest s 383 22 money plac'd for s 569 6 my house will s. it 444 21 not for s. planted, but use 307 13 of smooth civilty 144 10 oftruth 712 3 rich without s 99 9 scatter'd to make up a s 504 3 swell or see the s 338 4 though he did not s. it 403 14 to outward s. 35 16 us what we are. 120 11 without the s. of both 618 16 world is a fieetmg s 915 7 you must s. me 826 14 Showed-the Man the Glory 514 18 Shower-afflictions heaviest s 255 25 and singing bird 338 17 apple blossoms' s. of pearls 38 2 court her in a silver s 723 9 ever drank the amber s 680 13 first Dropp of long S 418 2 love in a s. safe shelter 464 16 neither the corroding s 524 14 of light is poesy 603 13 that fronts golden West 656 5 whitening S. descends ,878 9 Showers-between pelting s 765 13 for thirsting flowers 123 10 guard from chilling s 826 3 ne'er make grow againe 582 21 passed o'er thy head 814 11 refreshed by frequent s 123 4 see what s. arise 782 17 smalls, last long 754 17 sweet April s 39 1 through s. the sunbeams fall. . . 378 6 tremble in the April s 39 2 Showest-more than thou s 216 11 Showing-men of little b 257 21 Shows-all the beauty of Bun 480 8 life-inclining stars best s 565 10 Mercy to him that s. it 509 21 presenteth naught but s 147 17 square our guess by s 632 3 stoops not tQ 8- of dross. . , . . , .306 16