Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1305

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of God is here 655 20 of the blue firmament 141 1 on Casey's face 614 18 on each face he sees a s 395 3 one fair scene or kindly s 506 8 one to s., one to sigh 451 1 one universal s [ .428 21 on the brow of the waters 401 12 peculiar sweet s. shone 907 7 share the good mari^s s 11 26 she or lour 498 s sleep on and s .54 7 sleep with s. the sweeter .!717 7 smoothing, heart-opening. 778 22 some seem to s 277 17 sometimes Is , . .508 6 so when one's right 779 4 speak and sweetly s 300 6 stir beneath his s 577 19 stolen witching s. of May 562 9 Summer news, s. to 't before.. .553 21 the Heavens upon this 8 23 thou shouldst b. no more 180 18 thy blue eyes sweet s .248 6 to s. in pain 602 2 vain tribute of a s 608 8 we forget, we s 285 28 we would aspire to 685 26 when you gave me a s 506 21 while all around weep 783 21 why we s. and sigh 730 24 with her faint s 45 IS within his eyelids plays 73 19 with pleasure did s 400 16 with s. so sweet 473 11 woman's s. and girlhood's 878 11 you s. but you shall wear 572 8 see also Smiles pp. 721, 722 Smiled-an angel s 429 3 baby s., mother wailed 56 6 darkness till it s 26 18 Hope enchanted s. and waved. 375 20 in her face as she bended 55 7 like yon knot of cowslips 146 16 on one she s 886 20 Saints s. gravely 360 18 'twas Spring, I s 233 8 until she s. on me 58 16 while all around thee s 781 18 Smiles-a few sad s. and then 93 9 and frowns of fate 835 12 and roses are blending 388 6 and snakes abroad 52 8 and tones more dear 509 17 and waits and sighs 655 3 are sold 84 2 at my best meanings 739 13 awake you when you rise 717 15 becks and wreathed s 429 12 betraying s 892 9 by his cheerful fire 370 1 by human kindness bred 252 13 charmed it with s. and soap. . . 107 26 children we of s. and sighs 96 20 earth s. with flowers 321 20 fair and faithless s 144 21 in yeer face while it 432 6 joy is dead and only s 409 10 mingle tears with s 408 19 my Father's welcome s 369 20 of joy 915 7 of love adorn ■. 488 7 on her slumbering child 54 10 on the frowning night 529 27 read the good with s 455 3 reckon on from s. to s 828 21 sae sweetly on her knee 506 11 secret joys and secret s 54 6 she s. elsewhere 886 20 strains or pensive s 663 1 tempered with s 896 2 than others in theirs 782 6 that are halos of heaven 110 6 that make wrinkles 518 1 that seem akin to tears 540 21 the clouds away 868 25 the robb'd that s 786 18 the tears of boyhood's 923 19 thy s. I count not 231 12 welcome ever s 867 27 with pleasant light 323 6 with sunny s. between 451 12 wreathe your crisped s 566 3 year s. as it draws near 568 16 see also Smiles pp. 721, 722 Smilest-I will think thou s 177 2 thou s. and art still 700 14 Smilets-happy s. that played 722 16 Smiling-always with a never 922 3 at grief 480 2 at the airy ease 51 23 by your s. you seem to say 491 26 destructive man 490 12 find the s. features 476 18 extremity out of act 584 16 hides a s. face 644 3 honour sits s , . . 374 27 love and the b. face of her 371 6 miseries cannot help s. at 518 1 still s. though the tender 473 10 stood s. in my sight 595 13 sweet and s. are thy ways 51 23 that s. cheek 868 19 villain with s. cheek 486 27 see also Smiles pp. 721, 722 Smily-round the lips 781 20 Smite-sun shall not s. thee 644 18 the hills with day 530 4 Smith-by naming him S 542 IS see*also Blacksmith p. 71 Smithfield-went toward S 495 16 Smiths-never had any arms 25 12 see also Blacksmith p. 71 Smithy-village s. stands 71 9 Smitten-are we now s 208 19 Smoke-above the s. and stir 914 26 ascends in rosy, golden 555 4 ascends on high 804 9 bosom of a man-like s 27 20 full of s. and embers 804 15 glimpses through s. discern 390 2 good cigar is a s 804 16 gossip is a kind of s 329 12 in its pipe and s. it 660 10 in the s. like stars by day 278 4 lifebuts 804 6 life is a s. that curls 446 1 love is a s. rais'd with 479 7 man who does not s 500 7 of hell 575 23 one's but s 803 17 pipe to s. in cold weather 328 3 that so gracefully curled 589 16 the monstrous rubbish 805 18 'twill fly with the s 885 4 who doth not s 804 1 World is s. and vanity 913 13 see also Fire p. 272 Smoker-and a brother 805 17 bad taste of the s 329 12 Smoking-and moist 'ning 804 G you go out to a s. party 660 7 Smoky-worse than a s. house 81 8 Smoldering-a s. hearth 14 11 Smooth-as monumental alabaster 62 10 be the heartless prayer 629 7 runs the water 812 7 to s. the ice 44 22 true love never did run s 478 21 verse, inspired by 51 8 very s. the gliding river 764 14 way through the world 493 9 words in place of 312 19 Smoothed-his wrinkled front 856 27 Smoother-words s. than butter.. .905 24 Smoothest-streame runneth s 708 29 Smooth-faced-with s. peace 306 2 Smote-them hip and thigh 727 2 Smutty-pulled by s. hands 457 14 Smyrna-Slhodes, Colophon 121 1 Snaffle-with s. you may pace 870 15 Snail-creeping like as 16 13 housewife upon as 370 10 everywhere doth roam 888 16 he is easy-paced, this s 888 16 inadvertent step crush s 380 6 said a whiting to a s 273 10 should keep within door 869 17 with silver track 869 17 Snail-paced-beggary . 1 187 21 Snails-feet like s. did creep 286 5 Snake-a s. in the grass 158 18 earth doth like a s. renew 916 16 glistered the dire S 294 8 if slander be a b 714 17 in his breast a s 416 6 in thy smile 722 16 like a wounded s 604 6 of the eagle or the s 900 10 snatched the s 721 22 we have scotch'd the s 159 19 with Paradise devise the s 288 2 1 yearly like the s 93 15 Snakes-her sweet tongue 893 22 Snapper-up-of unconsidered 816 5 Snare-a youth to s 889 22 careless of the s 307 20 delusion mockery and s 431 8 fancies in a moonlight s 721 8 hawk suspects the s 771 12 springe to s. them 139 18 Snares-life hath s 447 14 spreading vice's s 831 18 world is strewn with s 500 6 Snaring-than ord'nary s 28 25 Snarleth-in the gentle eyes 856 17 Snatch-a fearful joy 409 14 a grace beyond 335 17 me from disgrace 197 l me to Heaven 547 22 seize and enjoy every 793 9 we must b. not take 422 14 Snatched-then s. away 167 14 who has been s. from us 699 23 Sneaking-felt kinda s. like 90S 19 it is s. off 829 17 Sneer-eelf-complacent British s.. .459 11 teach the rest to s 690 11 voice with satyrical s 277 6 wither'dtoas 721 21 yesterday's s 913 13 see also Sneer p. 722 Sneering-men are s. at you 860 2 Sneers-at the just 897 10 escaped his public s 4 9 Snip-nip, cut, slish and slash .... 777 6 Snipe-like-with s. nose 197 16 Snob-be sometimes a S 725 2 Snodgrass-murmured Mr. S 875 6 Snore-upon the flint 669 20 Snored-he s. like a pig 572 20 Tower Hill to Piccadilly a 512 26 Snores-heavy ploughman s 556 20 out the watch of night 720 4 Snoring-heard the cabin s 549 21 near the fountain 578 20 Snout-jewel in a swine's s 195 25 Snow-a diadem of s 532 8 as pure as s 89 8 ass. in harvest 104 21 as white as s 679 7 bloom beneath the s 833 24 by frost from purest s 527 10 chaste as unsunn'd s 108 22 cold as the s 411 8 come sleet come s 301 15 covered with lightest s 109 15 drift the fields with s 323 2 ere sunset all is s 694 20 falls in the river 600 7 fleece was white as s 426 1 frost from purest s 108 21 gemmed with flowers of s 541 9 harvests nod beneath the s 184 6 hath retreated 494 14 here and there a patch of s 746 19 kindle fire with s 480 9 lay in many a place 155 12 lay the untrodden s 401 10 like flowery leavings 748 7 like s. upon Desert's 376 24 melts along mazy current 878 9 moonshine an' s. on field 555 16 neither s., rain, nor heat 617 17 of starry blossoms bear 282 1 on that breast of s 679 3 pale as moonlight s 458 15 peaks of perpetual b 88 14 rains have glazed the s 270 6 red or white as s 457 13 rosebuds fill'd with s 188 22 shook his beard of s 877 20 Bpeck is seen on s 59 4 spotless ermine of the s 673 16 there shall be no more s 304 28 tufts of s. on bare branches 694 19 violets under the s 834 16 virgin shrouded in s 768 14 wash it white as s, 288 25 whiteness to s 126 19 whiter than driven s 33 10