Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/215

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$1ZE OF LND HOLDING Mos& of the lan? shown in the above statement is rice land, but some b?ts of dry crop land are ?ncluded. B.---?UJAItAT Cas? No. 7--A irhen . viiladle, talu? Chorasi, district. $.urat Area--Acres 69t. Assessment--Rs. 4,884.--Landholdera 99, o! whom 5t are cultivators and 45 are non-cultivators, which gives ?n average of 7 acres per holding, or ignoring non-cultivators, 18 acres per holding. The largest non-cultivators' holding amounta to 86 acres in 28 separate plots. The largest cultivator's holdings are- (l) One of 41 acres, in 9 plots, the largest plot being 23 acres. (2) One of 85 acres, in 8 plots, tha largest plot being 17 acres. (3) One. o! 26 acres, in 8 plots, the. largest which are 6 and 5 acres respectively. two of There are a good many small holdings of from 2 to 7 acres, but most of the holders of these manage to hire other land. In a few cases fragmentation has reduced the size of plots to ? acre, but such cases are rare. ' The village has heavy black soil and is s dry crop village growing cotton' and iowa. fl. A good cultivator sims at cultivating from 15 to 20 seres with one pair of bullocks, and a fair proportion of the cultivators secure this amount of land; so it will be recognised that from the economic point? of view sub-division of land has no? yet gone to any disastrous lengths. As regards fra. graentstion it .will be noticed that it is considerable, and is certainly prejudicial, but the land is fairly level dry crop land, Where there is no question of irrigation or garden cultivation, and comparatively little opening for permanent improvement. In such case provided that the individual plots amount to 8 or 4 acres, and are not too small to admit of convenient tillage opera- tions, the loss caused by fragmentation is relatively small. In the main this is. the case here. Oase No. 8, Village Man,oh, taluk? Clwrasi, d;strict 8urat Area--458 acres. Assessment--Rs. 8,949. 74 landholders of with a well. Largest crop land in one plot. whom 14 are non-cultivators and 60 cultivators. non-cultxvators holdin 8, 19 acres m one L?rges? ' ' ' culti.vator's holding, 14 sores of plot dry