Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/316

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TENTS OF JOURNALS THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW (PabHshed Quarterly by the American Economic Association, Secretary Prof. A.A. Young, Ithaca, N.Y.) SEPTEMBER, 1917 Thz Reserve $it,?ation RAY B. WESTERFIELD. Fall H. The BERaLUND. Early Regulatio? of M. H. HUNTER. Price 'Proble? i,, the i,& the Federal Reserve, by River $lidi,,?l Scale HOWARD. War and Tra,,s..Pacifi COMPTON. Public Experline,t, by $hippi.g, by STANLEY $erv;ce ABRAHAM Lumber Corporations, I,,ddstry, by W?tso? QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS (Published by the Harvard Uu(vers(ty, Cambr(dge, Moss.) MA Y, 1917 Flnani,,g the War, by CHARLES J. BULLOCX. International Trad? Umter Depreciated Paper. .4 contri. butio,& to theory, by F. W. T?ussm. The Regulation of Wages i, New Zeala,d, by M. B. H?- MOND. The Literacy Test a,,d Its Maki, g, by H?av PRATT FAIRCHILD. Co-operation an.g the Mo?vnons, by HAMILTON (}ARDNEB. Flax: The Fiber a.d Seed, .4 Study in Agr;c. ltural Co,,trasts, by WALTER 8. BARKER. zilso Rev;e,v of Ke,,,,,?erer's Modern Curre,,!l Reforms. AUG U,S T, 1917 The. Nat,re of Interest and tlte Causes of its Fluclua. t&o,s, by A. F. McGouN. Marketi,g .4ge,&;es between Man,?acl.urer and Jobber, by L. D. H. WELD. The Use ?f Private Tok?,,s for Mo,,ey i,& the United States, B.W. BARNARD. Gasoline Prices as .4ffectei by I, ter. locki, g Stockowner. ship and Joint Cost, by L?w?s H. Hs?r?. .4 Study o.f Mitchell's Inquiries into Prices, by B. W. KI?O.