Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/595

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EOONOMIG DEVELOPMEN? 5?? vincial Governments effected economies which increased the provincial balances. Such increases were put on deposit with the Government of India, and as really represent increase of capital funds of. they India as a whole, they are shown as capital account. There remains a net over twelye crores of rupees which is to capital account. Both this and the payments to balance of also carried increase of Provincial sixteen ereres, profit and are funds of the balances, which together amount to nearly are of the nature of equally an addition State as a whole. now turn to the capital account, in We namely the dearcured to show value of the whole. accumulated net to the capital. last of the accounts, which I have en- decrease of India as? a the net increase or assets of the State in It is impossible to construct a balance sheet of the Government of India and its Provinces as a whole. It would be an immense task to ascertain the total sum expended in all preceding generations on the development of the country with roads, bridges and many other works; public buildings and to to ascertain the cost of all allow for the depreciation The receipts which are shown by searching in Finance' and which has taken place in all these. Unquestionably the assets ?normously exceed the liabilities. The capital value of railways and irrigation works alone very nearly equals the whole public debt. and payments in Table IV various parts Revenue Account? for 1916.17. are almost certainly incomplete, because the is exceedingly technical, and much patience is required on capital account have been gathered of the volume of They matter some of pr.e_.ted. 78 them have been altogether wrongly inter- The probability is, however, that the errors to find out what some of the entries mean. Possibly