Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/712

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Dietriot h?l b?n I?kon, not ns typio?l of ?ny l?rt of th? country, but ns typionl o! the nmnnor in whioh the nabjeer in h?ndled in settlement reports. I! the spirit o! his suggestion o! unoflieinl eollaborntion with Government wore to be adopted, he would not mind exactly how it should be e?rried out. Dxscussxos of Ds. HAROLD MANN'8 paper--First gationt on t? 2?c? of A??ltural L?? i,? W?m I?? (8? p. 465). THE HON'BLE MR. KEATINaE ?id that ?fo? ?pfing Dr. Mann's figures oho ough? ?o know all ?ho ?ndi?ous ?eh ea?, os?ially how ?r o?hor ei?ums?an? woro ?mo in ?ho ea?s which worn ?mparM. 1? was an im- ?an? ?in? ?ha? ?ho figures did no? ?ako a?oun? of ?ho offi&oney of animM labor. Ho could giro ?o cu?g su?r:eaue as su instance of the d?eulty of coming the e?eieney of lair in differeat eount?es. In Ame?, ?though the negro is paid thr? times as much in w?s ? the In?isn latter, yet it costs mo? ?r ton to cut ?e in India than in A.uen?. In his opinion s?e?t public stention had not ?n di?t? to the vs? ?s? a?s?g from the i?19uess of th? ru?l popu?tion. For example, he ?liev? that one-thUd of the ?ult male ?pulstion of Dhs?sr did no work o[ ?y kind; and the r?t worked for only s?ut 1?0 days ? the y?r?thst is to ?y, they worked on the averse only fo? hours s day. ?aot,?.ssoa .H.A. HANSON (Of Lucknow) said that the previous comparisons of ?hs 0ttieisney of Iudian and Euro- pe?n labor which h?l been msntiouod were on the basis of country implements being used by the' Indian labor, in Dr. Harold Mann's observations, however, the modern plough was used in both cases. De. GILBERT SLATEB said that when s comparison w?s made between the efficiency of Indian and European labor in textfie mills, ?he machinery usea in both almost identical. There ;vould be some 'differenoe iu the efficiency of management and supervision; but even ore/t- ting this we had practically a good measure of relative efficiency of Indian and European labor, as the gro?t di?renee observed was almost entirely due to the difference in o?eiency of the workpeople. He gave instances showiM