increases the amount of essential oil in the leaf, but also increases the proportion of phenols in the essential oil. The nature of the terpene-like constituents is still unknown, but will be investigated at the first opportunity.
1082. P. nigrum, Linn., h.f b.i., v. 90 ; Roxb., 51.
Vern. : — Golmirch, kâlî-mirch, habsh, choca mirch, white form =saféd- mirch (Hind.); Muricha, kâlâ-morich, gôl-morich (Beng.) ; Spôt (Bhote) ; Martz (Kashmir) ; Gol-mirch (Pb.) ; Dârugarm, daurgarm, march (Afg.) ; Gûlmirien (Sind) ; Miri, kalamiri, white form = saféd-miri (Bomb.); Kâlîmirch, miré (Mar.); Kâlâmari, kâlo-mirich, miri (Guz.) ; Choca, kali mirchingay, Milâgu (Tam.) ; Miryâla tîge, miriyâlu (Tel.") ; Menasu, kare menasu, molû-vukodi, mirialu (Kan.) ; Lada, kuru mulaka (Malay).
Habitat :— Native in the forests of the Circars and of Assam and Malabar ; cultivated in hot damp parts of India.
A stout climber. Branches trailing and rooting at the nodes, terete, quite glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, 5-7 by 2-5in., sometimes glaucous beneath, usually broadly ovate, oblong or nearly orbicular; base acute, rounded or cordate, equal or unequal, nerves stout, alternate, 2-3 pair basal, with another pair higher up which run to the tip (J. D. Hooker). Suprabasal nerves, says Brand is, usually alternate. " Basal nerves 3-5." Petiole ½-l½in , stout. Bracts of female short, cupular, wholly adnate, without raised margins. Flowers usually diœcous, but often the female bears 2 anthers or the male a pistillode. Anthers 2-celled. Fruiting spikes loose, glabrous, variable in length and robustness, slightly interrupted, drooping 4-6in. long (Brandis). Fruit globose, sessile, red when ripe ; pulp thin.
Uses :— It is officinal in both Pharmacopeias, and its uses are too well known to be mentioned here.
1083. Myristica malabarica, Lamk., h.f. b.i,, v. 103.
Vern.: — Kanagi (Kan.); Pindi-kai (seeds), rânajayaphala, jangli-jâyaphal, Kâiphal (Bomb.).