Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/377

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fleshy, linear or linear-cuneate or obtuse, sessile, up to ½in. long, turbinate, crowded at the ends and in the forks of the branches, sub-sessile, with 2 small leaves at the base of the pedicel ; lobes short, hairy ; glands transversely ovate, punctate ; bracteoles very numerous, lacerate. Capsules ¼in. long, darkbrown, deeply 3-lobed, villous ; cocci compressed, velvety. Seeds ovoid, smooth.

Uses : — The fresh milky juice of E. Tirucalli is said to be an effectual application for the removal of warts, and, incorporated with any bland oil, is used in common with the milky juice of other species as a rubefacient embrocation in rheumatism. The inspissated milky juice formerly enjoyed great repute in India as an antisyphilitic (Ives Voyage to India, p. 462, and Sonnerat Voyage, vol. L, p. 146) ; and Dr. J. Shortt reports having found it an excellent alterative in these cases in doses of five grains night and morning. (Ph. Ind.)

In the Concan 1 to 4 drops of the milky juice are given with treacle or the flour of cicer Arietinum as a purge, and the charcoal, which is very light, is used in making pastilles. Dr. G. Y. Hunter speaks of the juice as a good application in neuralgia. (Dymock.)

1117. E. neriifolia, Linn., h.f.b.l, v. 255.

Syn. : — E. ligularia, Roxb. 391.

Sans. : — Snuhi ; Vujri ; Sehunda.

Vern. : — Sehund, kutte ki jibh ki send va patta, thohar, sij (H.) ; Mansa sij (B.) ; Gangichû (Pb.) ; Nivadunga, minaguta, (Mar.) ; thohur (Sind) ; llaik-kalli (Tam.) ; Aku-jemudu (Tel.) ; Yalekalli (Kan.).

Habitat : — Deccan Peninsula ; common in rocky places ; cultivated in Bengal and elsewhere in native villages.

A small, erect, fleshy, glabrous tree, armed at the nodes with a pair of sharp spines, ⅓-½in. long. Bark reticulated ; pith large, round. Wood white, soft, even-grained. " Stems cylindric, branches round, but the nodes arranged in 5 more or less spirally twisted ribs ; branchlets 5-angled. Leaves few, deciduous, 6-12in. long, terminal on the branches, waved, narrowed