Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/465

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nut 4/5in. long, conico-ovoid, canescent, brown when ripe. (Kanjilal.)

Uses:— The acorns form the medicine known in the Punjab bazars as balút. The} 7 are given as a diuretic in gonorrhœa, and also as an astringent in indigestion, diarrhœa especially of children, and in asthma. Before being administered, they are usually buried in the earth to remove their bitter principle, then washed and lastly ground ; dose 3 mâshâs. (Stewart.)

1200. Q. lamellosa, Smith, h.f.b.i., v. 606.

Vern. : — Shalshi, pharat-singhali, budgrat (Nepal); Búk (Lepcha).

Habitat: — Eastern Himalaya; from Nepal to Bhotan, the Nâga and Dâphla Hills, Manipur.

A very large, evergreen tree ; wood very hard and heavy. Buds silky, young shoots with tawny, deciduous pubescence. Leaves elongate-elliptic, acute at both ends, sharply serrate to near the base, upper side glabrous, underside glaucous, with deciduous pubesence while young ; blade 8-18, petiole 1-2 in long, secondary nerves 18-25 pairs, straight, impressed on the upper, very prominent on the under-side. Flowers sessile on short spikes ; peduncles thick ; cup very large, up to 3in. across, woody, with 10 thin, broad, loose lamellae, enclosing the greater part of the nut. (Brandis.)

Use : — The bark and acorns are used in medicine. (Watt.)

1201. Q. pachyphylla, Kurz, h.f.b.l, v. 608.

Vern. : — Bara katus, Sungre katus (Nepal) ; Hlosiri, Kashok (Lepcha).

Habitat: — Sikkim ; Manipur.

A large ever- green tree, leaves elliptic-lanceolate, long- acuminate, glabrous above, underside pale, with minute stellate hairs ; mid-rib and nerves glabrous ; blade 5-8, petiole ⅓in ; secondly nerves 8-10 pairs, impressed above, arching and anastomosing under the margin ; spikes sometimes androgynous. Cups l½-2in. across, always confluent, forming large, irregularly shaped masses, more than half the nut enclosed in the cup. Nuts glabrous, shining, nearly globose. (Brandis.)