Page:Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games.djvu/51

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Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games

A similar circle is formed for "Sheep Fold," the sheep inside, and the wolf out. The wolf attempts to break through the joined hands so as to reach the lamb, but if he does so, the sheep-fold opens on the opposite side letting the lamb out and closing the wolf in. The latter now tries in the same manner to get out, and if he does so, the lamb is admitted again. If the wolf succeeds in catching the lamb, the two players between whom he broke through the sheep fold last, become the wolf and lamb in their turn.

Leap-Frog Games

All are familiar with the ordinary leap-frog where the players stand side by side, in which case the leaper goes over them side-wise, or they stand in file, in which case he leaps from their backs over their heads. When he has thus gone over the whole line, he makes a back and the player who is thus left in the rear, becomes the leaper.

For competition the players may be divided equally, forming two lines. At the word "Go," the two rear players jump swiftly over the backs of the players in front. When every player has jumped over the back of every other player, that line has completed its work and, if ahead of the other line, wins the race. A most interesting game if given a fair trial. The same game may be played crawling between the legs instead of jumping over the backs.

Foot and a Half

The person to be jumped over moves by degrees farther and farther from the point where the jump begins. A line is drawn (sometimes called the "Garter") to mark where the jump begins, and whoever steps on it must take the place of the player leaped over. After the players in turn have leaped, the last cries "Foot and a Half!" and the player who is making the back thereupon places his right heel in the hollow of his left foot, advances the latter so that its hollow covers his right toe and then brings