Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/269

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Morison, John. Hoin Sirmoon. An English writer.

Morison, JoUn Hopkins, D.D. J. H. M. An AmcriLan clergyiiiiin; Harv. Coll., 1831 ; pastor and resident at Mil- ton, Mass., for many years.

Morris, George P., 1802-64. G. P. Af. An American poet and journalist ; b. in Philadelphia; joint founder and editor of the "Home Journal," ^^V., in 1840.

Morris, Rear Admiral Henry Gage. An officer of the Roi/al Navi;.

Morris, Lewis, iVI.A. A New Writer. An English poet; b. at Carmarthen('?) ; Jesus Coll., Oxford, 1855 ; in 1880 a jus- tice of the peace for Carmarthenshire, in which county, at Penbryn House, he re- sides.

Morrison, Colonel . A Layman.

!A Scottish writer.

Morrison, E. The Worth// Patriarch ■of Howard Division. A British colonial writer of the day.

Morrison, Rev. James. Philanthropos. An English religious writer.

Morrison, 3Iary J. ,/enni/ Wallace. An American writer of the day for the young.

Mortliland, Cliaries. C. M. A Scottish writer of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Mortimer, Jolin. A Sincere Lover of Truth and Union. See " I. and V.," First Series, p. 505. Morton, Henry, Ph.D. The Com- mittee. An American scientist ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1857 ; professor of me- chanics and chemistry, 1869-70; presi- dent Stevens Polytcclmic Institute, Ho- boken, N.J. ; member of the United ■States Coast Survey, 1878-87. Moses, W. S. M.A., Oxon. See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 505. Moss, Cliaries, D.D., -1802. C. J/. ; The Clearer, An English clergyman ; bishop of St. David's, 1766 ; of Bath and Wells, 1774; B.A. Bene't Coll., 1731.

Mossinan, Rev. John Timberley. A Disciple of Bishop Butler. An English ■clergyman ; St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, 1849 ; rector of East Torrington (Wrag- by), and West Torrington; vicar, 1859- .80 et seq.

Motte, Mellish Irving, -1881. M. I. J/. An American clergyman ; Harv. Coll., 1821 ; for many years pastor and resident at Boston.

Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660- 1718. Thomas Clayton. An English merchant and writer of London ; b. at Bouen in Normandy ; d. in London.

Moulson, Capt. W. H. Baliol. A

Guernsey Militia Officer. An English writer of the day.

Moulton, Ellen Louise Chandler. JsHten Louise Pom/ret.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 505. Moiintford, William. W. M.. An English clergyman ; came to this country some years ago ; afterwards resided in Boston, cliiefly witliout charge.

Mouravline, D. Prince Dmitry Ga- litzine. A Russian author.

Mowat, Magnus. Lochnat/ar. A Scottisli author of the day.

Moyle, John. A Mfmber of the Col- lege of Physicians. An English physi- cian of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Moyle, Walter, 1072-17^1. W. M., Esq. An English lawyer ; b. and d. at Bake, in Cornwall; educ. at Oxford, and studied law at the Temple ; JW.P. for Saltash, 1695-98; vice-warden of the Stanneries.

Mozley, Anne. Liis Sister. An Eng- lish lady ; sister of James B. Mozley. Mudd, Alice F. Peach Bloom. Mudford, William. Geoffrey Old- castle, (lent.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 506. Mudge, Rev. William, B.A. A Coun- try Clergyman. An English divine ; Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1823 ; rector of Pertenhall, Ivimbolton, 1842-80 et seq. Mudie, Charles Edward. C. E. M. An English writer of tlie day.

Muller, Adolf. Adolf Palm. A Ger- man novelist.

Muller, Karl, 1819-. Otfrled Mylius ; Franz v. ElJiny. A German novelist ; b. at Stuttgart ; educ. at Tubingen, and became a journalist; wrote and pub- lished novels, etc., at Berlin, Stuttgart, etc., 1855-75.

Miiller, Wilhelm, 1794-1827. Prater Jocundus. A German poet; b. and d. in Dessau ; educ. at the Univ. of Berlin ; was professor of Greek and Latin in his native city, 1817-27.

Mutzelburg, Adolf. Justus Severin ; Karl Weher. A German novelist of the day.

Muhlenberg, William Augustus, D.D. Catholicus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 506. Muir, John, D.C.L., 1810-. J. M. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 506. Muir, Thomas S. T. S. M. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 506. Mulocli, . Satan. An Eng- lish writer ; gave lectures on English literature at Geneva and in London.