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Böttcher, on 'Job,' 68

Bradley, Dean, 215, 229 n., 248 Breton legend of St. Ives, 140 Briggs, Prof., on Elihu's speeches, 93, 296 Budde, on Aramaisms in 'Job,' 291 sqq.

Buddha, 218

Buddhist sayings, 128

Budge, Mr., on Tiamat, 78

Bullinger, on Sirach, 197

Bunsen, quoted, 108 n.

Bunyan, 109

Camerarius, edition of Sirach, 197

Canon, the, final settlement, 233, 281

Carlyle, quoted, 112, 144 n., 246 Ceremonial system, value of, 119 sq.; approved by Sirach, 190 Chabas, M., quoted, 57 Chaldæans, 73; their philosophy known to Job, 51 Chateaubriand, quoted, 65 Chinese proverbs, 129 Christ, never used directly anti-*sacrificial language, 3 sq.; Kenotic view of His person, 7; whether Job a type of, 102 sq.; foregleams of, in Prov. viii., 176 Christian doctrine in Koheleth, 248 sq.

Church of England, attitude to Biblical criticism, 1 sq.

Cicero, dialogues, 207

Clement, of Rome, 176

Coleridge, quoted, 108

Constantinople, Councils at, 107, 282

Cosmos, conception of the world as, 52, 161

Cox, Dr., quoted, 46

Daniel, plural authorship of the Book of, 8

Dante, allusions to, 28, 51, 66, 76, 159, 194, 230;
  quotations from, 45, 54, 130;
  comparison of the Divina Commedia to 'Job,' 111 Davenant, quoted, 252 David, idealisation of, 131 sqq.

Davidson, on Job (xix. 25-27), 34

Dawn, personified, 77

De Jong, on Koheleth, 240

Delitzsch, on the Praise of Wisdom, 163;
  on the date of Proverbs, 170;
  on the period of Koheleth, 258;
  his Hebrew New Testament, 288;
  and passim

Derenbourg, quoted, 100

De Sanctis, quoted, viii.

Determinism, in Koheleth, 265 sqq.

Deuteronomy, in the reign of Josiah, 6;
  points of contact with Job, 86;
  influence on the Praise of Wisdom, 168 sq.; (xxxii. 8) explained, 81 n., 291 De Vere, Aubrey, quoted, 105 Dillmann, on style of Job, 294 Dīn Ibrahim, morality of the, 98 Dragon Myth, 16, 24, 76 Dramatic character of 'Job,' 107 Drunkenness, 140, 156 Ebers, Prof., 40, 269 Ecclesiastes, the Book of— (a) Canonicity, 279 sqq.; title, 207 n., 298; date and place of composition, 255 sqq., 271, 278; break in its composition, 204; language, 256; style, 203, 207, 246; how far autobiographical, 209; comparison with Job, 203; with Sirach, 279; its standpoint, 200 sqq.; its pessimism, 215, 251 sq., 301; its relation to Epicureanism, 215, 222, 252, 262 sq.; to Stoicism, 264 (b) Passages explained or emended: (iii. 11, 12), 210, 260, 276, 299; (iii. 17-21), 211; (iv. 13-16), 213; (v. 17), 260; (v. 19), 261; (vi. 9), 261; (vii. 1), 215; (vii. 18), 261; (vii. 27), 219; (viii. 10), 220, 276; (viii. 12), 220; (x. 20), 222; (xi. 9-xii. 7), 300; (xii. 1-7), 226; (xii. 8-14), 229 sqq., 261, 301 Transpositions, 273 sq.; Interpolations, 275, and 211, 213, 224 sq., 226, 229 sq.

Ecclesiasticus, see Sirach Edwards, Sutherland, on Mephistopheles, 110 Egypt, theory that 'Job' was composed in, 75 Egyptian, animal fables, 126 n.; discoveries, 5; incantations, 16; proverbs, 129; influence on Koheleth, 269 sq.

Egyptian-Jewish literature, 181

Elephantiasis, Job's disease, 22