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54 Prayers and Meditations.

that which is right, and let me by thy help keep my resolutions. Let me, if it be best for me, at last know peace and comfort, but whatever state of life Thou shalt appoint me let me end it by a happy death, and enjoy eternal happiness in thy presence, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


i in the afternoon, EASTER DAY.

I am just returned from the communion having been very little interrupted in my duty by bodily pain.

I was very early at church and used this prayer, I think, before service with proper collects. I was composed during the service. I went to the table to hear the prefatory part of the office, then returned to my pew, and tried to settle some resolutions.

I resolved to form this day, some plan for reading the Scriptures.

To rise by eight, or earlier.

To form a plan for the regulation of my daily life.

To excite in myself such a fervent desire of pleasing God as should suppress all other passions.

I prayed through all the collects of meditation 1 , with some extemporary prayers ; recommended my friends living and dead 2 . When I returned to the table I staid till most had communicated, and in the mean time tried to settle my mind prayed against bad and troublesome thoughts, resolved to oppose sudden incursions

of them, and, I think had thrown into my mind at the

general confession. When I went first to the table, the particular series of my thoughts I cannot recollect.

When I came home I returned thanks by accommodating the general thanksgiving 3 , and used this prayer again, with the collects, after receiving. I hope God has heard me.

1 Johnson, Post, p. 66, mentions in his time, in which the Com-

these ' collects of meditation.' See munion Service is printed with ap-

ante, p. 34, where he resolves 'at propriate prayers and meditations,

church to use the collects of Fourth Such meditations Jeremy Taylor

after Trinity, and First and Fourth gives in his Worthy Communicant.

after Epiphany, and to meditate.' It 2 Ante, p. 29.

may be the case, though it is not 3 For his 'accommodative 'prayers,

likely, that he made use of one of the see Ante, p. 42. books of private devotion common


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