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thereof, designating therein the several Collection Districts to which the same apply and also the date at which said Ordinances are to take effect in said Districts.

That all moneys hereafter collected by any of the officers aforesaid, shall, after deducting the sums necessary for the compensation of officers and other expenses, be paid into the Treasury of the State of Florida, subject to the order of the General Assembly, and the officers aforesaid shall retain in their hands all property, moneys, bonds, and other securities of the United States in their possession, custody, or control, subject to the disposal of this State, which will account for the same upon a final settlement with the Government of the late United States, and that all officers of the late Federal Government within the limits of this State, who, by any ordinance of this Convention, are required to retain in their hands any property, moneys, bonds, and other securities, which they may have in their possession at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall be, and they are hereby required to enter into bond to the State of Florida, of the same tenor and similarly conditioned as were their respective bonds to the United States, with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the Judge of Probate of their respective counties; and for the discharge of this, or any other duty imposed by any ordinance of this Convention, the State of Florida will fully indemnify said officers against any and all losses, which they or any of them may sustain by reason of their compliance with the ordinances of this Convention, or the laws made in pursuance thereof.

Done in open Convention, January 15th, A.D. 1861.

[No. 3.]

Be it ordained by the People of the State of Florida in Convention assembled, That all laws passed by the Congress of the United States, and approved by the President thereof, prior to the tenth day of January of the present year, and which were in force on that day, be and the same are hereby adopted and made laws of the State of Florida, and declared to be of force as such within this State, and all writs, actions, suits, judgments and proceedings which existed or are pending in the District Court of the United States for the District of Florida, on the tenth day of January of the present year, shall remain unimpaired, and provision shall be made by law for the transfer thereof to the District Courts of Florida, to be proceeded in by said courts and making the same records and proceedings of said District Courts of the State of Florida: Provided, That all writs, actions, suits, and judgments, whether at law or in equity, now pending, or which may hereafter be com-