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Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 7, 1861.

Gov. John Milton:

Georgia will certainly secede. Has Florida occupied the forts?

(Signed,) JOSEPH E. BROWN.

The resolution reported by the Committee on Credentials in the Holmes county election was called up by Mr. Anderson and was unanimously agreed to.

Mr. R. R. Golden, of Holmes county, signed the roll and took his seat in the Convention.

Mr. Turman, from the Committee on Printing, made the following report:

Mr. President—I am instructed to report on behalf of the Committee on Printing and Contingent Expenses that it has been ascertained that the necessary printing for the Conventon can be done at the fotllowing rates: 1500 copies of the Journals in pamphlet form at $3.50 per page, counting one copy.

Miscellaneous Printing, such as daily slips of the Proceedings, Bills, Reports, Resolutions, &c., at ¾ of a cent. per 100 words—counting 80 copies; and for all over 80 copies, at a reasonable charge for paper, labor, &c.

The Committee recommend that 500 slips of the daily Proseedings, and that 1500 copies of the Journals in pamphlet form be ordered to be printed; and that Messrs. Dyke & Carlisle be employed to print the same, as well as all incidental miscellaneous printing, at the rates herein above specified.


Which was received and adopted.

The Convention went into secret session, after which, on motion, the Convention adjourned to 10 o'clock to-morrow.


WEDNESDAY, January 9th, 1861.

The Convention met pursuant to adjournment—a quorum present.

Prayer by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Rutledge.

The President announced the following additional members to the various Standing Committees:

Committee on Judiciary—S. M. G. Gary, of Marion; W. S. Dilworth, of Jefferson.

Committee on Federal Relations—G. H. Hunter, of Columbia and Suwanee; D. G. Leigh, of Sumter.

Committee on Foreign Relations, Commerce and Trade—L. A. Folsom, of Hamilton; George Helvenston, of Levy county.