Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/41

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The following communication from his Excellency the Governor was received by the President, read and ordered to be spread upon the Journal:

Executive Department,
Tallahassee, Jan. 11th, 1861.

To the Hon, Jno. C. McGehee, President of the Convention:

Sir: I yesterday afternoon received at the hands of the Secretary of the Convention, its resolution providing for and appointing a Committee of "Public Safety." Immediately thereupon, and in advance of any knowledge on my part of the passage by the Convention of its resolution of the 10th inst., I invited to a Conference said Committee, and advised them fully of my action in reference to the matters mentioned in the resolution last named. To that Committee I respectfully refer the Convention for such information as they may deem it not inconsistent with the public interests to lay before your body.

This, I trust, will be deemed by the Convention a sufficient compliance with the request embraced in said resolution.

Very respectfully,


Mr. Dawkins, of Alachua, from the Committee on Arrangement, made the following report:

The committee to whom was referred the subject of making arrangements for signing the Ordinance of Secession, beg leave to report that they have discharged that duty.

(Signed,) J. B. DAWKINS, Chairman.

Mr. Sanderson of Duval, Chairman of the Committee on Ordinances, made the following report:

The Select Committee on Ordinances respectfully report herewith:

An ordinance providing for extending the jurisdiction of the State of Florida over the Forts, Arsenals, &c., within the limits of the State; also,

An ordinance conferring upon the General Assembly of the State power to repeal, alter or amend the act of Congress of force in this State, and other powers enumerated therein, and so altering and amending the Constitution of the State as to enable the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the State of Florida to discharge the several duties heretofore devolved upon the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the late Federal Union; and recommend that the ordinances herewith presented be referred to the Standing Committee on the Judiciary, with instruction to consider and report upon the same for the action of this Convention.

J. P. SANDERSON, Chairman.