Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/42

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Also the following report:

The Committee on Ordinances beg leave to report to the Convention the accompanying ordinances, viz:

An ordinance prescribing the action of persons holding offices in the State under the late Federal Government; also,

An ordinance creating District Courts of Admiralty and Foreign Jurisdiction; also,

An ordinance vesting in the General Assembly of the State power to regulate citizenship, &c.; also,

An ordinance authorizing the Governor of this State to accept the services of certain citizens therein indicated; also,

Ordinances making provision for uniting with other States in the formation of a Southern Confederacy.

All of which are respectfully recommended to the favorable consideration of the Convention.

J. P. SANDERSON, Chairman.

Also the following report:

The Committee on Ordinances further report a series of four ordinances regulating commerce and prescribing the duties of collectors, &c., and recommend that they be referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Commerce and Trade.


J. P. SANDERSON, Chairman.

Also the following report:

The Committee on Ordinances also report herewith two Ordinances, providing for the continuance of the mail service in the State, and for organizing a Post Office Department, and recommend their reference to the Committee on Postal Arrangements.

Your Committee respectfully suggest, having now reported to the Convention the principal Ordinances necessary to inaugurate the new government for the State, and believing that whatever other Ordinances may be required, would come more properly from the appropriate Standing Committees of the Convention, that this Committee be discharged.

Respectfully, J. P. SANDERSON, Chairman.

On motion of Mr. Davis of Leon, the respective reports were concurred in.

Mr. Call, Chairman of the Joint Committee of the two branches of the General Assembly, reported that their respective bodies are now ready and accept the invitation to attend the ratification of the ordinance.

Mr. Ward of Leon moved that Winer Bethel, a delegate from Monroe county, be allowed to withdraw his vote given yesterday on the passage of the Ordinance of Secession upon the ground of a question of legal liability as a naturalized citizen of the United States;

Which motion was adopted.