Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/65

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Be it further resolved, That the President of this Convention is hereby authorized to call together this Body, whenever in his opinion the public interest demands it.

Mr. Folsom of Hamilton moved that the rules be waived, and the resolution be put upon its passage;

Upon which the yeas and nays were called for, and were:

Yeas—Messrs. Barrington, Chandler, Coon, Cooper, Daniel, Dawkins, Devall, Dilworth, Finegan, Folsom, Gettis, Glazier, Golden, Hendricks, Hunter, Irwin, Jones, Kirksey, Lamar, Lamb, Lea of Madison, Leigh of Sumter, McLean, McNealey, Mays, Morrison, Newman, Nicholson, Palmer, Parkhill, Pelot, Pinckney, Rutland, Sanderson, Saxon, Sever, Solana, Thomas, Turman, Woodruff and Yates—41.

Nays—Mr. President, Messrs. Beard, Bethel, Davis, Gary, Henry, Lewis, Love, McCaskill, McGahagin, Spencer, Stephens, Tift and Ward—12.

So the Convention refused to waive the rules.

Mr. Mays of St. Johns offered the following ordinance:


Be it ordained by the People of the State of Florida in Convention assembled, That the General Assembly of this State be and they are hereby authorized to provide by law for the election or appointment of such general officers as the emergencies of the public service may require.

Which was received and laid on the table until to-morrow.

Mr. Allison of Gadsden offered the following preamble and ordinance:

Whereas, The General Assembly has construed the Constitution to mean that the term of the Governor elect does not commence until October next after said election,

Be it ordained by the People of the State of Florida in Convention assembled, That said construction be so altered and changed that the Governor elect of this State shall be inagurated and take his seat on the first day of the first session of the General Assembly after his election.

On motion, laid on the table until to-morrow.

Mr. Sanderson of Duval offered the following ordinance:

Be it ordained by the Convention, That the 11th section of the 6th article of the Constitution be amended by striking from the last line of said section the words "and of the United States" and adding the words "and the ordinances adopted by this Convention."

On motion, the ordinance was received and laid on the table until to-morrow.

Mr. Rutland of Orange offered the following resolution: