Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/68

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Which report was received, and on motion of Mr. Davis was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

When on motion of Mr. Stephens, the Convention went into secret session.

After some time spent in secret session, the doors were opened, when Mr. Stephens of Gadsden called up the resolutions of Mr. Davis, reported to the Convention yesterday by the Committee on Sea Coast Defences.

Mr. Davis of Leon moved to strike out in the first resolution the last proposition;

Upon which the yeas and nays were called for by Messrs. Stephens and Davis, and were;

Yeas—Messrs. Allison, Davis, Hendricks, Henry, Irwin, Jones, Kirksey, Lamb, Lewis, Love, McCaskill, McLean, McNealey, Mays, Morrison, Morton, Newman, Nicholson, Palmer, Rutland, Sever, Stephens, Ward and Woodruff—24.

Nays—Mr. President, Messrs. Barrington, Beard, Bethel, Chandler, Coon, Cooper, Daniel, Dawkins, Devall, Dilworth, Finegan, Folsom, Gary, Gettis, Glazier, Hunter, Lamar, Lea of Madison, McGahagin, McIntosh, Owens, Pelot, Pinckney, Sanderson, Saxon, Spencer, Solana, Thomas, Tift, Turman and Yates—32.

So the motion was lost.

Mr. Allison of Gadsden moved an amendment: that the words "any of the Slaveholding States" be used, instead of the "States of Alabama and Georgia."

Mr. Mays of St. Johns offered to amend by adding the words "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."

To which Mr. Davis offered the following as a substitute:

Provided, That no authority is hereby conferred to expend public monies, or make contracts binding the State for the payment of money, without authority of the General Assembly.

Which was accepted.

Mr. Allison of Gadsden offered the following amendment:

Or which may hereafter come into the possession thereof;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Dawkins of Alachua moved to amend by writing Military instead of Militia.

Mr. Beard moved to use the word forces instead of the word troops;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Davis of Leon moved that the resolution be engrossed and made the order for this afternoon;

Which motion was agreed to.

On motion the Convention took a recess until 4 o'clock this afternoon.