Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/91

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under existing contracts made by them with the late Goverment of the United States;

Which was adopted.

The ordinance as amended was then adopted.

The Convention then took under its consideration the fourth ordinance reported by said committee;

Which, after being amended, was adopted.

Mr. Sanderson moved that the fifth ordinance reported by said committee be indefinitely postponed;

Which was agreed to.

On motion the Convention took a recess until 4 o'clock, P.M.


The Convention resumed its session—a quorum present.

Mr. Bethel of Monroe asked that the Ordinance of Secession be brought in, and that he be permitted to sign the same:

Which was granted.

Mr. Finegan of Nassau called up an ordinance to limit the 2d clause of the 13th article of the Constitution;

Which was put upon its passage and was lost.

The rules being waived, Mr. Finegan of Nassau offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Secretary transmit immediately a certified copy of each ordinance that has passed the Convention to the Senate and House of Representatives of this State, and that hereafter, as soon as any ordinance is passed, a copy of the same be so certified and sent;

Which was adopted.

The rule being waived, Mr. McLean of Washington made the following motion:

That a Committee of three be appointed by the President to audit the claims of Delegates to this Convention for mileage and per diem due them, and that the Delegates be requested to inform said Committee the number of miles traveled;

Which was agreed to.

Messrs. McLean, Ward and Henry were appointed said Committee.

The President read to the Convention the following communication from the Governor: