Page:Journal of an Expedition 1794.djvu/12

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locust very plenty. At the distance of 17 miles from Lebenon, came to a small village called Hunnelstown, consisting of about 40 houses, illy built, inhabited principally by Irish and Germans, very poor to appearances. Near this we passed the Swatara, the creek emptying into the Susquehanna, by which the boats are to ascend to the canal. This is a very lively fine stream, containing about as much water as the Passaic at Paterson. During this day's march found more Americans, Irish and Scotch. The country by no means thickly inhabited, and the fashion is here very much to build from the road. About 2 o'clock we had by industry performed our march and reached Harrisburg. This town is beautifully situated on the banks of the Susquehanna; consists of about 300 houses, 2 markets, court house and other public buildings, 3 churches, a number of very genteel well built brick houses, and displays an air so perfectly different from any of the towns we had lately passed, that to use the language of our soldiers, we thought we had again got among white folks, or Christians. Indeed everything wore a different and more agreeable appearance. We arrived in a storm, and were received by the inhabitants with the greatest cordiality. Each seemed to vie in offers of accommodations for ourselves and our horses, and in a very short time, by their hospitality, all our men were well provided with good houses and stables, some gentlemen taking 20, others 10, and so as they could accommodate. Of course we did not pitch our tents this night. It had been the intention of the General, to have passed over the river, fearing a fresh would prevent us in the morning, but he was assured by the gentlemen of the town that two days rain would effect the river but little, and that no possible danger could be before morning. The Susquehanna is here about one and a quarter miles wide, bounded by high banks, which in a fresh are filled. At a distance up the river you see the gap in the mountains, (called the Blue mountains,) through which it seems to have broken. The hills jetting boldly on each side to the river. Below the mountains a fine intervale country to the town. Down the river, at a distance, mountains tower on each other, and seem to lock in the river. The country between very fine. The river is a most beautiful clear water, with a stony, though not rough bottom. At present so low that the army forded it, and in the deepest not more than 3 feet. Here they take very fine rock fish, and shad in the season. The taverns were much better and cheaper than at Reading, in short the situation and hospitality of this place has left the strongest impressions of gratitude on the troops. This is the county-town of —— County.

26th. Orders for marching at 6 o'clock for Carlisle, distant 17 miles, made us all up early, and the line of march was taken up early (the baggage being ordered off earlier,) the troops took to the river and reached the opposite shore in about half an hour. The General moved on and reached Carlisle by 2 o'clock. At this place we were received with much politeness. The troop of horse came out to meet us; the company of light