Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/609

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MONTHLY. SIXPENCE. CONTAINS MONTHLY, ARTICLES ON BOTANY Written by the Ablest Authorities, including — W. BoTTiNG Hemsley, F.E.S. ; J. Pentland- Smith, M.A., B. Sc. ; Rev A. S. Wilson, M.A. ; C. A. Barber, M.A., F.L.S. ; C. F. Marshall," M.D., B. Sc. ; and many others. ALL ARTICLES ARE FULLY ILLUSTRATED. Specimen Copy sent for Six Stamps. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, POST FREE, 8s. KNOWLEDGE" OFFICE, 326, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. On the 26t7i of every Month, price 6d. ; Gs. a year, post-free to any part of the world. THE ENTOMOLOGIST: An Illustrated Journal of General Entomology , Lithographed Plates by the best Entomological Artists, and frequent Woodcuts. Edited by Richard South, F.E.S., with the assistance of — R. Adkin, F.E.S. T. R. BiLLUPS, F.E.S. W. L. Distant, F.L.S. , &c. Edward A. Fitch, F.L.S., &c. F. W. Frohawk'F.E.S. Martin Jacob y, F.E.S. W. F. KiRBY, F.L.S., F.E.S. J. H. Leech, B.A., F.L.S., &c. Dr.'D. Sharp, F.R.S., &c. G. B. Verrall, F.E.S. W. Warren, M.A., F.E.S. London: WEST, NEWMAN dc Co., 54, Hatton Garden, Established 18S1. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Ziane, Ziondon. TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below jBlOO. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest monthly, on each completed £1. Birkbeck Building Society. I Birkbeek Freehold Iiand Society. How to Purchase a House/or £2 28. per Month. I How to Purchase a Plot of Land for 5s. per Month. THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post-free. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager.