Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/612

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NOTICE. The Editor will be glad to send the Journal of Botany in exchange for other Journals of a similar character. Such Journals, Books for review, and Communications intended for publication, to be addressed to James Britten, Esq., 126, KENNINGTON PARK ROAD, S.E. He will be greatly obliged to the Secretaries of Local Natural History Societies if they will forward him copies of their Transactions, so that any paper of botanical interest may be recorded in this Journal. The JOURNAL OF BOTANY is printed and Published Monthly by West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London, E.C., to whom Subscriptions for 1897 (in advance, Sixteen Shillings ; if not paid in advance, chargeable at the rate of Is. 8d. per number) should be paid. Postal Orders are preferred not crossed. The Volume for 1896 may be ha 1, price 16s. 6d., bound in cloth ; also covers for the Volume (price Is. 2d. post free). The Volumes for 1884 to 1895 can still be had. For Volumes and back numbers for 1872 — 82 application should be made to Dulau & Go.; Soho Square, W. TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Wiiole page ,,..,... £2 I Quarter page £0 15 Half page. 15 | Six lines and under 5 Every additional line, 9d. A liberal reduction is made for a series. To be sent to West, NewMan & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, not later than the 24th of each inonth. AUTHOR'S SEPARATE COPIES. Contributors are now presentisd Witlbi six Gopies of their articles as printed in the Journal of Botany. Authors who require more are requested to order from the Publishers, and to notify this and state the number required at head of their MS.; otherwise the type may be distributed before the order is received. The charges for special separate copies are as under : — i pages 25 copies 4s. 4 pages 25 copies 5s. „ 50 „ 5s. „ 50 „ 6s. „ 100 „ . 7«. „ 100 „ 8s. A greater nuinbei- of pages to be charged in equal proportion. Separate Titles Wrappers, &g., extra. Fof articles supplied as printed in the Journal, and not re-made up, the charge is considerably less. 8 pages 25 copies 88. Od. 50 „ 9s. Od. 100 „ 10s. 6d.