Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/12

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ability, upon the imputation to which we refer as simply absurd, were it not that the position of its author and the occasion which upon it was made, gave it another character. This makes it clear that, although the Mexican question has lately been widely discussed, great errors yet remain to be dissipated, and great truths to be brought to light.

«The characteristic susceptibility of the President of the Republic, on the subject under consideration, explains the promptitude with which, inmediately after the arrival of the last news from Europe, he felt inclined to make by himself, and in a letter written by his own hand, the explanation we have just inserted. In that letter he invites Marshal O'Donnell to publish the data upon which he has attempted to attribute to the President of Mexico the intention to alienate a part of our territory, and we feel sure that such data will never be produced, because it is simply impossible to produce the proofs of that which has never occurred. This is known to all the inhabitants of the Republic; and were it not unworthy of the Chief of the Nation to appeal to witnesses, he could invoke the testimony of eight millions of Mexicans.

«Marshal O'Donnell repeats, without knowing it, one of those charges which the personal enemies of the President have propagated all over Europe, conscious as they are that the silly and absurd nature of these calumnies makes it impossible to circulate them in Mexico. It has been once attempted to use these arms even here against the Chief of the Nation; but a victorious vindication was the immediate result, and public opinion has rendered its accustomed tribute to justice, and has confounded the calumniator.

«As a proof of this, we deem it opportune to reproduce an article published in the Siglo XIX, during the early days of June 1861.[1]—M. M. Zamacona.»

  1. The article to which Mr. Zamacona refers will be inserted hereafter.