Page:Keats, poems published in 1820 (Robertson, 1909).djvu/231

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Part I.

Page 3. II. 1-6. before the faery broods . . . lawns, i.e. before mediaeval fairy-lore had superseded classical mythology.

I. 2. Satyr, a homed and goat-legged demi-god of the woods.

I. 5. Dryads, wood-nymphs, who lived in trees. The life of each terminated with that of the tree over which she presided. Cf. Landor's 'Hamadryad'.

I. 6. Fauns. The Roman name corresponding to the Greek Satyr.

I. 7. Hermes, or Mercury, the messenger of the Gods. He is always represented with winged shoes, a winged helmet, and a winged staff, bound about with living serpents.

Page 4. I. 15. Tritons, sea-gods, half-man, half-fish. Cf. Wordsworth, 'Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn' (Sonnet—'The World is too much with us').

I. 19. unknown to any Muse, beyond the imagination of any poet.

Page 5. I. 28. passion new. He has often before been to earth on similar errands. Cf. ever-smitten, I. 7, also II. 80-93.

I. 42. dove-footed. Cf. note on I. 7.

Page 6. I. 46. cirque-couchant, lying twisted into a circle. Cf. wreathed tomb, I. 38.

I. 47. gordian, knotted, from the famous knot in the