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The evangeliſt Matthew, informing us, chap. xiii. 34. that Jeſus ſpake to the multitude in parables, gives it as one reaſon why he did ſo, “that it might be fulfilled which was ſpoken by the prophet;” Pſal. lxxviii. 2. “I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter things which have been kept ſecret from the foundation of the world.”

The ninety-firſt pſalm was applied, by the tempter, to Meſſiah: nor did our Lord object to the application, but only to the falſe inference, which his adverſary ſuggeſted from it. Matth. iv. 6,7.

The ninety-fifth pſalm is explained at large in Heb. iii. and iv. as relative to the ſtate and trial of Chriſtians in the world, and to their attainment of the heavenly reſt.

The hundred and tenth pſalm is cited by Chriſt himſelf, Matth. xxii. 44. as treating of his exaltation, kingdom, and prieſthood.

The hundred and ſeventeenth pſalm, conſiſting only of two verſes, is employed, Rom. xv.ii. to prove, that the Gentiles were one day to praiſe God for the mercies of redemption.

The twenty-ſecond verſe of the hundred and eighteenth pſalm, “The ſtone which the