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foote in 1890 in negotiating a reciprocity treaty with the United States, and was instrumental in carrying through the Bond-Blaine convention- In 1892 he was a delegate to Canada on the North American fishery question. In the great financial crisis which overtook Newfoundland in 1894 his strong action and able championship of the cause of the colony in financial circles in London preserved the autonomy of the colony, and established a claim on Newfoundlanders of personal loyalty towards him which has steadily strengthened, In 1895 he was chairman of the delegation that proceeded to Canada on the question of confederation. In 1900 he was specially invited by H M Government to attend a confeience at the Colonial Office on the French Treaties Question In 1902 he was a member of the conference cf colonial prime ministers held in London In the same year he was authorized by H M. Government to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity with the United States on behalf cf the Colony of Newfoundland, and succeeded in negotiating the Hay-Bond treaty In 1904 he was invited by H. M, Government to assist in drafting regulations for the carrying out of the Anglo-French convention. He represented Newfoundland at the Imperial Conference in 1907. Bone is the hard material of the skeleton of most animals. The office of bones is to furnish a building-structure or framework for the body, to support the soft parts, and protect delicate organs from injury, and by means of joints, to form a series of levers. Bone is white in color, but in the living body has also a pink and bluish tint. It is elastic and very tough, twice as strong as oak. Arab children are said to make good bows of the ribs of camels. Bone is made up of two parts, an earthy substance and an animal substance. By long burning the animal matter may be got rid of and the rest falls apart in a powder. By soaking in an acid the earthy salts, as they are called, may be dissolved out, leaving a tough and bending substance. Bones are of three shapes: long, as the armbone; flat, as the shoulder blade; and short and irregular, as those of the wrist. The bony substance is also formed into compact and spongy bone, the compact or dense forming a shell around the spongy or loose texture. The spongy texture is made up of numerous bars which unite together in the form of a lattice-work, light, but very strong. The compact texture is also full of holes, which are so small that they can be examined only by a microscope. These holes are the mouths of canals, which form a complete network of tubes, containing blood vessek which supply the bone with nourishment For bones grow and must be kept alive like other tissues of the body; they start as a mass of cells, and only become true bones aftej a long process Bone

is also covered outside with a coating of membrane, in which blood vessels and nerves branch in all directions and join the interior net-work. The shaft of long bones is hollow; in some birds and other animals this space is filled with air, but in animals like man it is filled with a matter called marrow. This shaft is also lined with a membrane pierced with vessels. Besides all the small blood vessels that have been named, there is also a larger one which runs diagonally into the centei of the bone. Bone is useful in medicine and cooking- and in many other ways. (See SKELETON, etc.)

Bonheur (bo'nVr'), Rosalie, a celebrated French animal painter, was born at Bordeaux ir>, 1822, She made a study of animal life and in that department achieved great distinction. Ploughing with Oxen, Ploughing ^n Nivernais and Horses in a Meadow are among her well-known paintings. The Horse Fair was bought for over $50,000 by Mr.aVanderbilt and placed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York. She long directed a school of design for girls. She received several medals, also the decoration of the Legion of Honor. During the siege of Paris her studio and residence at Fontainebleau were spared and respected by special order of the then crown prince of Prussia. She died May 25, 1899.

Boniface, the name of nine popese most of whom are of no historic importance. Boniface VIIL a native of Anagni, was elected pope in 1294. He was inaugurated with great pomp, the kings of Hungary and Sicily holding the reins of his horse, and. with their crowns upon their heads, serving him at table. He failed in many of his attempts to assert the papal power in temporal affairs, and was made prisoner at Anagni by Philip the Fair of France. He was freed by the people of Anagni, and died at Rome soon afterward in 1303. He is mentioned by Dante in The Inferno.

Bon'iface, Saint, The Apostle of Germany," was born in England about A. D. 680. Becoming a priest when thirty years old, he was sent by the pope to preach the Gospel to all the tribes of Germany, who as yet were pagans. Traveling through the country, he baptized multitudes and changed their idolatrous groves into churches. He was made a bishop, then archbishop and