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1825 1829

1837 1841
1853 1857

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President. John C. Calhoun, Vice-President. 25. Controversy concerning removal of Creek Indians, 26. John Adams died. 26. Thomas Jefferson died. Frederick William III.

ANDREW JACKSON, President. John C. Calhoun, Vice-President. 82. Black Hawk War. 32. Excitement concerning tariff legislation. 32. Nullification in South Carolina. 32. The President vetoes the bill to recharter the United States Bank. i

80. Louis Philippe. SO. Revolution in Poland. 82. Parliamentary Reform.

JACKSON, re-elected President. Martin Van Buren, Vice-President. 33. Removal of public funds from the Bank of the United States. 85. Seminole War. 86. Arkansas admitted.

MARTIN VAN BUREN, President Richard M. Johnson, Vice-Pres't. 87 » Great financial revulsion. Continuation of Seminole War. 37. Battle of Okachotee. 87. Michigan admitted. 37. Victoria.

40. Frederick Wilhelm IV.

WILLIAM H. HARRISON, Pres't. John Tyler, Vice-President. President Harrison died April 4th, 1841. TYLER, President. 41. The Northwestern boundary fixed by treaty. 41. Sub-Treasury bill repealed. 41. President vetoes the United States Bank. 48. The "Dorr Rebellion" in Ehode Island.

JAMES K. POLK, President. George M. Dallas, Vice-President 45. Florida admitted. 45. Texas annexed. 46. Iowa admitted. 46. General Taylor sent to the Bio Grande. 46. War with Mexico declared. 46. Battle of Palo Alto. 46. Battle of Resaea de la Palma. 46. Matamoras captured. 46. Monterey captured. 47. Battle of Buena.Vista. 47. Capture of Vera Cruz. 47, Battle of Cerro Gordo. 47. Battle of Contreras. 47. Capture of Molino!<lel Bey. 47. Capture of Chapultepee. 47 Fall of Mexico. 48. Treaty of Peace. 48, Gold discovered in California. 48. Wisconsin admitted. 48. Revolution in Hungary.

48. Republic proclaimed in France.
Louis   Napoleon   Bonaparte elected President.

ZACHARY TAYLOR, President. Millard Fillmore, Vice-PTesident. 49. Territory of New Mexico organized. 50. Taylor died July 9th. FILLMORE, President. 50. California admitted into the Union. 50. Territory of Utah organized. 50. Population of U. S. 23, 191,876. 51. Fugitive Slave Law enacted. 52- Henry Clay died, aged 75. 55. Daniel Webster died, aged 70.

FRANKLIN PIERCE, President. W. R. King, Vice-President. 53. The Qadsden Purchase, 52. Kansas-Nebraska Bill passed. 54. Kansas struggle begun. 64. Perry's treaty with Japan. 52. Louis Napoleon, Emperor. 64. Crimean War.

JAMES BUCHANAN, President. John C. Breckenridge.Vice-Pres't.

57  Mormon insurrection. 57. Continued violence in Kansas. 57. General monetary panic.

58. Minnesota admitted into the Union. 59. Oregon admitted into the Union. 59. John Brown's raid. 60. South Carolina secedes from the Union. 60. Population of U. S. 31,443,231