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GROVER CLEVELAND, President. Thomas A. Hendricks, Vioe-Pres't.

85. Gen. U. S. Grant died, July 23.

85. Gen. Oeo B. McClellan died, Oct. 2<),

85. Public Debt, $1,863,964,873.14.

85. Gen. Winfield B. Hancock died, Feb. 12. 85. Vice-President Heudricks died, Nov. 23.

85. Government Expenditures, $200,220,935.

86. Hayuiarket riot, Chicago.

86. Gen. John A. Logan died, Dec. 26. 88. General Sheridan died, August 5.

BENJAMIN HARRISON, President. Levi P. Morton, Yice-President.

89. Washington admitted. 89. Montana admitted. 89. Public Debt, $1,619,052,922.23. 89. Government Expenditures, $229,288,978. North and South Dakota admitted.

!)0. Idaho admitted.

90. Population of United States, 62,622,250. Pan-AmericaE Congress.

Behring Sea arbitration. Wyoming admitted.

91. General Sherman died, February 14.


Adlai E. Stevenson, Vice-Presidcnt. 93. Wilson tariff measure. 93. Commercial and monetary panic. 93. Public Debt, $1,545,985,686.13.

93. Government Expenditures, $383,447,954.

93. World's Columbian Exposition at Chi-


94. Railroad riots at Chicago. 96. Venezuelan imbroglio.


Garrett A. Hobart, \ ice-President. 97. Government Expenditures, $365,774,159.

97. Public Debt, $1,817,672,665.90.

98. Hawaii annexed.

68. Battleship Maine destroyed at Havana,

February 15.

War with Spain declared, April 25. Naval Victory, Manila Bay, May 1. Battle of Guasimas, June 24. Battle of San Juan and El Caney, July 1

98. Naval Victory at Santiago, July 3.

Surrender of Spanish Army, Santiago.

Manila surrendered.

Treaty of Peace signed at Paris, Dec. 10.

Porto Rico, the Philippines and Guam ceded to the U. S.

Filipino revolt. 1900. Galvcston destroyed by hurricane.

Population of U. S., 76,303.387.

WILLIAM McKINLEY, President. Theodore Roosevelt, Vice-President.

President McKinley shot Sept. 6, died

Sept. 14. 01. Public Debt, $2,143,326,933.89.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT, President. Civil Government in the Philippines inaugurated July 4»

02. Cuban Government organized.

03. Dept. Commerce and Labor established.

03. Alaskan Boundary settled.

04. Panama Canal treaty.

05. Mediation ends Russo-Japanese War. 05. Suits against trusts begun.

88. William I., Germany died March S Frederick III. of Germany diec

June 15. William II., Emperor.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT, President. Chas. Warren Fairbanks, Vice-Pres't.

05. Public Debt, $2,274,615,063.84.

05. Government Expenditures, $567,411,611.

06. San Francisco destroyed by earthquake

and fire.

06. Cuban revolt and intervention by U. S. 06. Pure food law passed.

06. Railroad rate law passed.

07. Oklahoma admitted.

07. Financial panic.

08. Grover Cleveland died.

WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, Pres't. James S. Sherman, Vice-President. 09. Public Debt, $2,639,546,241.04.

Government Expenditures, $779,117,186.

09. North Pole reached by Robert E. Peary.

10. Population of United States, 91,972,266.

10. Postal Savings Banks Established. 12. New Mexico and Arizona admitted. 12. Parcel Post Established. 12. Progressive Party Formed.

12. Titanic Disaster.

13. Dept. of Labor Established.

WOODROW WILSON, President. Thomas R. Marshall, Viee-President

12. Public Debt $2,868,373,874.16.

12. GoyeraiaentExpenditures$720,599,295.65

13. Chinese Republic recognized.

13. Sixteenth Amendment (Popular election

of Senators.)

13. Seventeenth Amendment (Income Tax). 13. Tariff revised.

13. Federal Income Tax law passed. 13. Currency Bill passed.

94. President Carnot of France assassinated.

97. War bet ween" Turkey and Greece.

Famine in India.

King Humbert of Italy assassinatec

July 29, 1900. 1900. Boxer rising in Chim^

Partition of Samoa.

Boer War.

Queen Victoria died January 22,


Edward VII., King. 01-02. Boer War continued.

03. Panama established.

04. Russo-Japanese War.

05. Russo-Japanese War ends.

05. Union of Sweden and Norway dis-


Prince Charles of Denmark becomes King of Norway as Haakoa VII.

06. First Russian Douma.

06. Frederick VII. King of Denmark. 08. Bulgarian independence declared.

08. Messina and Reggio destroyed by

earthquake; 76,483 lives lost.

09. Turkish Revolution. Abdul Earned

II. deposed. Mehmed V. Sultan.

10. Disastrous flood in Paris,

10. Edward VII. of England died.

George V. King. 10. Portuguese Republic established.

10. South African Union formed.

11. South Pole reached by Amundsen. 11. Turco-Italian War begins.

11. Revolution in Mexico. Diaz suc-

ceeded by Madero.

12. Turco-Italian War ends.

12. Chinese Republic proclaimed.

12. Christian IX. of Denmark dies. Christian X. King.

12. Balkan War begun.

12. Revolution in Mexico, Madero deposed.

12. Mutsuhitp. Emperor of Japan died.

Yoshihito Emperor.

13. George I. of Greece assassinated.

Constantine I. King. 13. Balkan War ends.

13. Madero killed. Huerta provisional


14. Huerta resigns.

14. Francis Ferdinand of Austria

assassinated. 14. European War begins.