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are several species, among them daffodils and jonquils. The narcissus is widely distributed in the Old World, being found in southern Europe, northern Africa, Persia, China and Japan. The flower was beloved of the ancients, has oft been sung by the poets, and about it cluster myth and legend. Narcissus poeticus is celebrated in Greek and Roman verse; pseudo narcissus is the common English daffodil; N. polyanthus is the parent of the cultivated variety, grown extensively by florists and treasured as a garden-flower.

Narcotics. See POISONS.

Nar'ragan'sett Bay, in Rhode Island, is about 28 miles in length, reaching north from the Atlantic into the state and being from 3 to 12 miles wide. It divides Rhode Island into two unequal parts, of which the western part is much the larger. It contains several islands, of which Aquidneck and Prudence are the largest. The Paw-tuxet and Pawtucket empty into it.

Narragansetts, a tribe of Indians belonging to the great Algonquin family. When New England was settled, they lived in what now is Rhode Island. They then numbered 7,000 or 8,000, but were more civilized and less warlike than other of the New England tribes. In 1621 Canonicus, their sachem, sent a bundle of arrows tied with snakeskin to Plymouth, signifying hostility. Governor Bradford changed their purpose by promptly returning the skin rilled with bullets and powder. Roger Williams went to them when exiled from Massachusetts, and had influence in their councils, persuading them to peace in 1636, when they again were hostile to the whites. In King Philip's War, more than 30 years afterward, they were believed to be aiding the enemy, and the English, with the Mohe-gans and Pequots, burned their fort. They retaliated and a large force was sent to punish the hostile Narragansetts, and they were nearly exterminated. The few who remained became civilized, lived in peace with the whites, and lost their native language. There are now only about 150 Narragansetts.

Nar'ses, statesman and general, one of the supports of the eastern Roman empire, was born in Persian Armenia about 472 A. D. From a low position he rose to be keeper of the privy purse to Emperor Justinian. Some years later he was given sole command in Italy. His conduct of this campaign was very masterly; having no transports, he marched his army around the Adriatic, encountered the Ostrogoths at Taginse and defeated them, slaying their king. After further successes and taking possession of Rome, Narses completejy destroyed the Gothic power. He was then made prefect of Italy and held court at Ravenna until the death of Justinian, when, being accus^4 nt avarice .and extortion by

the people, he was removed by Justin (567). N arses died at Rome about 573 A. D. See Goth's Justinian and Hodgkin's Italy and Her Invaders.

Narvaez (nar-vd'dth), P/nfilo de, Spanish adventurer and soldier, was born at Val-ladolid about 1478. He was the principal lieutenant of Velasquez in his conquest of Cuba, and was sent by him at the head of a force of 900 men to conquer and supersede Cortez in Mexico. He landed at Vera Cruz in April, 1520, and on May 28 was surprised and taken prisoner by his abler and more active fellow-countryman. He was well-treated, however, by Cortez and soon released. He returned to Spain, and in 1526 obtained from Charles V a grant of Florida over which he was made governor. He sailed the following year with five ships and about 600 men, and landed probably near Tampa Bay in April, 1528. He marched inland, but, after losing half his men in encounters with the Indians, was obliged to return to the coast. Unable to find his ships, he built some rude boats in which the much reduced company sailed for Mexico in September, 1528. The vessel which carried Narvaez was driven to sea by a storm and he and his men perished near the mouth of the Mississippi, except Cabeza de Vaca, his lieutenant, and three men, who reached land and made their way across Texas to the Gulf of California, reaching Mexico only after years of wandering.

Nash'ua, a manufacturing town of New Hampshire, in Hillsboro County, at the junction of the Merrimac and Nashua Rivers, and about 40 miles from Boston. By means of a three-mile canal, the falls of the Nashua River furnish power to many cotton factories, paper, carpet, and iron mills. Population 26,005.

Nash'ville, Tenn., capital of Tennessee, lies mainly on the left bank of Cumberland River, about 200 miles from the Ohio, which is here crossed by a steel truss and a railway drawbridge. Two more steel bridges are in course of construction for street traffic. It is a well-built city, containing the new capitol, a penitentiary and a large insane asylum. Besides an excellent school-system, it is the seat of Nashville University, Vanderbilt University, and for young ladies has Ward Seminary and Bel-mont, Buford, Radnor and Boscobel College and St. Cecelia's Academy (Roman Catholic). Central Tennessee College, Fisk University, Roger Williams University (the last three for colored students) and the state normal school also are here. It has a good trade in cotton, tobacco, flour, oil, paper, timber, leather, iron and spirits; and it has five shoe factories, six iron foundries, and is the largest hardwood market in the United States. It is served by four railroads, and has city ownership of the lighting-plant and