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Divide 6.4938 by .242.

Multiply both dividend and divisor by 1000 by moving the decimal point three places to the right, thus making the divisor a whole number.

When the dividend does not contain the divisor evenly, add ciphers and continue to divide.

Ciphers added to the right of a decimal point do not change the value of a number.

Three decimal places in the quotient are usually sufficient.


.242^)6.493^800 484 1653 1452 2018 1936 820 726 ~~940 726


1. 86.07—28.5

2. 175.552-f-4.16

3. 2.5956-72.1

4. 28.764-^-9.4

5. 3398.448-f-84.12

6. 10.625-f.25

7. 17.4216-f8.54

8. 469.872~f-4.68

9. .5750-f-.046

10. 5328.96-^62.4

11. .3856-f.004

12. 8.194-f-96.4

13. 1.0764-f-.023

14. .0368-f-.0004

15. 447.12-f-4.86

16. .08244-f .018

17. 3.71027-^.807

18. 53.4404-f-62.14

19. .27468-f.0042

20. .7140-f-.4200

21. 59.7408-f-7.84

22. .12012---.0182

23. .04925—.005

24. .0005-f-5000


What is the cost of

1. 8200 shingles at $3.75 per thousand?

2. 4875 pounds of coal at $6.75 per ton! (2000 Ib. = 1 ton).

3. 5750 envelopes at $1.37 per thousand?

4. 12832 railroad ties at $14.75 per hundred?

5. 972 feet of lumber at $22.75 per thousand ?

6. 8725 feet of lumber at $28.50 per thousand?

7. 3375 laths at 22%c per hundred?

8. 4860 bricks at $8.95 per thousand?

9. 382 pounds of pork at $9.75 per hundred?

10. 6485 pounds of coal at $7.25 per ton ?

11. 3840 feet of boards at $3.5 per thousand?

12. 4840 chestnut rails at $3.95 per hundred?