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b. Snakes: 1773; rattlesnake 1588; copperhead 452; boa 231; cobra 417.

c. Turtles:


a. Classification of birds: 217.

(1) Color, scales and fangs: 1773.

(2) Moulting of skin: 1773.

(3) Means of movement: 1773.

(a) Of what it consists:

rattlesnakes 1588; copperhead 452.

(4) Food: <{ (b) How obtained: black

snake 223.

(c) How digested: Boa 231.

(1) Protective covering of the turtle:


(2) Different kinds of turtles: 1959.

(3) Manner of swimming and di-

ving: 1959.

(4) Food, how obtained, of what it

consists: 1959; 1925. L (5) The eggs of the turtle: 1959; 589.

(1) As to zone on the earth where found:

(2) As to the habitat without regard to climate:

(a) Tropical birds: parrots 1425; birds

of paradise 218.

(b) Birds of temperate zones", hawks

850; crows 482; sparrows 1791.

(c) Birds of cold climates: Auk 138;

goose 780; migration 1223; owl 1404.

1. Divers: like the

loon 536; gull 814; albatross 39; pelican 1442.

2. Swimmers: like the (a) Water-birds: J duck 557; goose

780; swan 1853.

3. Waders: like the

heron 869; crane 473; and flamingo 680.

(b) Shore-birds: like the snipe 1773; and

plover 1505.

(c) Land-birds: like the quail 1570; tur-

key 1995; robin 1620; and bluebird 231. b. Things to notice In studying birds:

(1) Size — compared with some very common bird, as the robin which measures 10 inches: 1620; lark 1031; oriole 1394.

(a) Is it to attract attention like the

Baltimore oriole's? 164.

(b) Is it for protection like the meadow

larks? 1194.

(c) Notice the differences in color be-

tween the male and the female: as in the bobolink 232.

(3) Notice the special markings: as in the plover 1505; the owl


(4) The shape: as in the loon 536; the flamingo 680; the emu 613.

(5) The bill, wing, tail and feet: as in the pelican 1442; humming-

bird 898; falcon 647; albatross 39; gull 813; peacock 1434; condor 440.

(6) Movements on land: as skulking the rail 1581; walking the

adjutant 14; running, the sandpiper 1674; ostrich 1398; diving, the divers 536; swimming, the ducks 557.


(2) Color: