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What animals have two-chambered hearts? 853.

What animals have three-chambered hearts? 854.

What animals have four-chambered hearts? 854.

In the embryo of the higher animals, what changes take place in the

heart? 854.

What is the structure of the heart in man? 854. What is the difference between veins and arteries? 854. What is the great aorta? 113. Who gave it its name? 113. What is the pulmonary artery? 113. What are the two circulations? 113.

Who demonstrated the circulation of the blood? 67, 1486. What is the function of the blood? 228.

What sort of an exchange does it carry on with the tissues? 228-9. Of what is blood composed? 229. What do the red corpuscles carry? 229. What powers do the white corpuscles have? 229. What is lymph? 1126. What are its functions? 1126.

STOMACH. What is saliva? 1665. What is the stomach? 1831. Is this organ present in all animals? 1831. How many coats has the stomach? 1831. What juice is secreted by the stomach? 1831. What juice is secreted by the intestine? 1831. Which of these juices is most effective in digestion? 1831. What is chyme? 1831.


What is the liver? 1102. What is its structure? 1102. What are the offices of the liver? 1102. What is there peculiar about the circulation in the liver? 1102.


What is the aim of hygiene? 905. What is hygiene called? 905. What is included in personal hygiene? 905. What does the health officer look after? 905. How did John Howard do away with jail-fever? 905. What did Captain Cook do for scurvy? 905. When was vaccination introduced into practice? 905. What is the present condition of hygiene in every large town? 905. Why are seaports watched? 905.

How did John Howard get his ideas of prison reform? 892. What captain took such care of his crew that only one seaman died in

three years? 449.

Who was first vaccinated with perfect success? 969. What has cowpox to do with smallpox? 969.

What is the temperature of living rooms in the U. S. and Europe? 856. What three systems of heating are in use and how do they compare

in cost? 856.

Why is a mixed diet best? 690. Why was the Chicago drainage canal built? 1730.


Which is probably the oldest of the sciences? 127.

At what early date was it already well systematized? 127.

To what two men was this advancement due? 127.

At this time, what did the Greeks know concerning the fixed stars

and the planets? 127. Concerning latitude and longitude? 127. Concerning eclipses and the equinoxes? 127.