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When and by whom was the first blast furnace worked? 939.

When and by whom was the flint lock gun invented? 814.

Who invented macadamizing, and where first introduced? 1129.

Who invented the spinning mule? 481.

How long has irrigation been practiced? 940.

What was the first cotton mill built in the United States? 465.

Who was the founder of the science of hydrography? 1191.

What important invention did Sir Humphrey Davy make, and what led

to the discovery? 1652.

What led to the discovery of the photophone? 1478. How and by whom was the Silurian system discovered? 1280. When and by whom was gas invented for use as lighting purposes?

1280. What is the process of vulcanizing rubber, and who discovered it?


How early was steam used for moving boats? 1818. What was the first steam vessel to make a voyage? 1818. What discovery led to the invention of the barometer? 174. Why are some bricks red and some buff colored? 265. How is charcoal made? 367.

What led to embalming among the Egyptians? 591. What is the process of photography? 1476. In how many seconds will an air brake stop a train going 50 miles an

hour? 259. How are new inventions protected? 1428.


What college graduated lady physicians in the 12th century? 1987.

May women study at Harvard? 1988.

What college did George Washington endow? 2024.

Where was the degree of bachelor first introduced? 1987.

Who invented our punctuation marks? 1561.

Who discovered the profession of teaching? 945.

What college was founded by Henry VI in 1440? 630.

What was the procession of the boys to ^alt Hill for? 630.

Who were the best educated people in Europe in the 18th century?


Who were the bookmakers and translators of the middle ages? 1063. What is the oldest university in Germany? 760. In what strange way have some early manuscripts been discovered?

1412. Why did Pestalozzi write "How Gertrude Educates Her Children"?


Who was the founder of comparative geography? 1617. What was the cause of the Associated Press, and when organized? 123. What is the largest Catholic institution in the west? 1783, 1990. What university was founded under the auspices of King George II of

England? 1987.

Where is the oldest Scandinavian university? 1987. What country ranks first in universities? 760. How many years did Noah Webster spend in preparing the American

Dictionary? 2063. What woman founded a seminary upon the plan of uniting domestic

labor with intellectual culture? 1127. Where and what is the largest library in the world? 1064. When was the first circulating library started in London? 1063. What is the school system of Wiirttemberg? 2133. What university chooses its chancellor for life without a salary? 1405. Where was the first Sunday School held in America? 1849. What is the artillery school instituted for? 115. Where is the oldest university of central Europe? 1987. What are the characteristics of the universities of England that differ

from others on the continent? 1987. Whem was the oldest university founded in Germany? 760.