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What is the Austrian method of subtraction? 98.

How does the long division form help in short division? 98.

In what year should a text book be used? 98.

Why should only two denominations be used in compound numbers? 99.

What is the approved form for multiplication of decimals? 99.

How should operations in decimals be limited? 99.

What is the Austrian method of division? 99.

Where is the value in more advanced arithmetic? 99.

How is percentage treated? 99.

Should the term base be used? 99.

How can the difficulty in studying arithmetic be overcome? 99.

How do parents often confuse children in the study of arithmetic? 100.


Who made algebra an independent science? 48.

What is the use of algebra? 48.

What order is best to follow in teaching algebra? 48.

What is the real object of this study? 48.

Do root signs and brackets belong to algebra? 48.

What does drawing mean? 551.

How do artists use the term? 551.

How did drawing get into school courses? 551.


What are the three classes of athletics? 131. What was the first baseball club in America? 177. What makes a good baseball player? 178. What society first played basket-ball? 179. What are the three kinds of football? 690. Where do 100,000 people attend a football game? 691. What is the Englishman's national game? 477. How many days are required to play a game of cricket? 478. What makes croquet interesting? 482. What is the origin of golf? 779. How is the game played? 779. How is the game of curling played? 487. When was lawn-tennis first played? 1890. How is the game played? 1890. What is the game of putting-the-shot? 1565. When were roller skates invented? 1763. What 14-year-old girl swam 5 miles in 67 minutes? 1856. How is the game of polo played? 1520. What is the best way to learn to play chess? 378. What game did the Spaniards introduce into Florida? 211. What people introduced bull-fights? 287. Where did the game of checkers come from? 368. How were games used by the ancient people? 735. To what does physical education refer? 1480. What three exercises partly supply the need of exercise? 1480. Why are formal gymnastics unsatisfactory? 1481. What is the first test of these activities? 1481. What games are more appropriate in the upper grades? 1481. Where was the first teachers' institute held? 1877. What is the most profitable method in institutes? 1877. Why is play as important as sleep? 734. Why does a puppy play at fighting? 734. What instincts do games use and control? 734. What games are important in the development of the child? 734. What people made games the principal form of education? 735. What does a noted reformer suggest about games? 735. Why have playgrounds originated in large cities? 1504. What is a valuable adjunct to school playgrounds? 1504. What city has 17,876 acres of parks? 1504.