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What is the size of the American continent? 58.

How are North and South America similar? 58.

What is the area of North America? 58.

What inlets along the coast? 58.

What are the Rocky Mountains called in Mexico? 58.

What three countries have Sierra Nevada Mountains? 58.

Are the Appalachians higher or lower than the Rockies? 59.

Where do the Appalachians rise? 59.

What is the character of the prairie country? 59.

What is the Piedmont region? 59, 1489.

What is the nature of the southern end of the continent? 59.

What are the animals of North America? 59.

How many varieties of birds in North America? 59.

What are the trees and grains? 59.

How does the climate of North America vary? 59.

Where are the only successful tea-gardens in America? 1784.

Where is the greatest rainfall? 59.

In the production of what mineral is North America first? 59.


What are the boundaries of the U.S.? 1967. What are its latitude and longitude? 1967. What is its longest line east and west? 1967. What is the longest line north and south? 1967. What is the total area of the republic? 1967. What is the length of the entire boundary of the U. S.? 1967. When it is sunset in Maine, is it sunrise in the U. S.? Where? 1967. Where are the largest harbors? 1968. What indentations on the Atlantic coast? 1968. What bays on the Gulf coast? 1968. How far is Cuba from Florida? 1968. What are the two elevated regions of the U. S.? 1968. Where are the lowlands? 1968. How far inland are the Appalachians? 1968, 51. What names do they bear in the various states? 1968. What are the two highest points of the Appalachians? 1968. How far are the Rockies from the Mississippi? 1968, 1622. What is the loftiest peak on the continent? 1968. What are the navigable rivers of the Atlantic coast? 19681 Where is the water-power of New England created? 1968. What two rivers have 10,000 tributaries? 1968. What makes the prairie regions profitable? 1968. What is the Mississippi valley? 1968. What are the rivers of the Pacific slope? 1968. How many miles of inland navigation in the U. S.? 1968. What are some of the natural and interesting features In beauty,

grandeur and variety of scenery? 1968. What is the climate of the Atlantic states? 1968. How does the Pacific climate compare with that of Italy? 1968. What makes the U. S. a world in itself? 1969. When does the rain fall on the Pacific coast? 1969. What minerals give the U. S. first rank in production? 1969. What country leads in gold production? 1938. How much of the country was originally forest? 1970. How many acres of forest are there now? 1970. Where is the heaviest* stand of timber on earth? 1970. Wliat are the most important fish? 1970. In what industries does the U S. lead the world? 1970. How much of the world's manufactures come from the U. S.? 1970. What are the chemical and allied industries? 1970. How does the U. S. stand in agriculture? 1970. How many families live on farms? 1971. What are the bulk of the exports? 1971.