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What is the largest inland lake south of the Great Lakes? 60.

How much rain falls in Panama? 60.

What are the chief products? 60.

What ancient people made their home here? 60.

Which country is a British possession? 60.

Where is the republic of Panama? 1415.

When was the Panama Canal first talked of? 1415.

Why did Panama secede from Colombia? 141.


What are the length and width of South America? 61. In what direction is it from North America? 61. What important inlets on the coast? 61. What mighty range of mountains on the western coast? 61. What is the highest point on the western hemisphere? 61. Why have the three vast river systems no parallel? 61. What lake is over 12,000 feet above tidewater? 61. How does the rainfall differ from that of North America? 61. What is the character of the forests? 61.

What is said of the coffee, rubber and wheat of South America? 62. Where are June, July and August the winter months? 239. Where is the Amazon 60 miles wide? 57. What river pours 52,000,000 cubic feet of water into the ocean every

minute? 1501.

What is the length of the coast line? 426. What is the only break in the western range of the Andes? 426. How do the rivers mostly flow? 426. What was the value of precious metals taken by Spain in three

centuries? 426.

What are the principal exports? 426. How long is the seaboard of Ecuador? 580. Where does it rain nearly all the year round? 680. What is the state religion? 580. Who are the merchants and landholders? 580. What place is famous for Panama hats? 580.

What country has a lake whose surface is covered with pitch? 122,, What is the character of the country of Venezuela? 2008. What links the Orinoco and the Amazon? 2008. What is the basis of Venezuela's wealth? 2009. The Inca Indians form what part of the population of Peru? 1456. How does the length of its coast compare with our Atlantic coast?

1456. Where is the most elevated tableland in the world, next to that of

Tibet? 1457.

How long does it take to travel from Lima to Iquitos? 1457. How does Bolivia compare in size and population with Illinois and

Chicago? 238.

What island was the home of the Incas? 238. What hinders the development of the mines? 239. Why Is Chile called the shoestring republic? 386. What is the third largest city in South America? 387. What is the chief source of the nation's wealth? 387. Why are the houses of Santiago only one story high? 1676. The Argentine Republic is 22 times as big as what state? 94. What is the second largest river system in the world? 94. Where are the famous wheat fields? 94.

Why will it be one of the great producing nations of the world? 94. How is Buenos Ayres connected with the IT. S.? 285. What is one of the most fertile regions of South America? 1419, What Is Paraguay tea? 1419. What is the temperature during the summer months of December

January and February? 1419. How does Uruguay compare with Rhode Island in size? 1992.