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How did Henry III strengthen the empire? 758.

When did the famous Frederick I reign? 758.

How did the great monarch Frederick I. spend most of his time? 758.

During the reign of Maximilian I what great reformer began preaching? 758.

How did the Peasants' War and the Thirty Years' War affect the rural parts of Germany? 758.

In 1702-13 what war brought glory to the German arms but was of no advantage to the country? 759.

When did Frederick the Great come into prominence? 759.

What was the condition of Germany during the time of Napoleon's power in Europe? 759.

What combination did the free German states make after the fall of Napoleon? 759.

What war occurred in 1866 for the leadership in Germany? 759.

What part did the southern German states take in the war between France and Prussia? 759.

What was the most important result of this war? 759.


When did the Frisians occupy what is now Holland? 879.

IE the eighth century they submitted to what ruler? 879.

What Spanish ruler made the Netherlands a country of great importance? 879.

Who delivered the Dutch from the Spanish yoke? 879.

In what century was Holland one of the great powers of Europe? 879.

By what country was her power crippled in the naval war of 1652-54? 879.

What did William III of England do for Holland? 879.

What century marks Holland's decay? 879.

Who was made king of Holland in 1806? 879.

When was Holland added to the French empire? 879.

After the fall of Napoleon what kingdom was formed? 879.

When did Belgium secede? 879.

ITALY. Who was crowned king of Italy and emperor of Rome in 961 A. D.?

947. For how many years did the crown of Italy belong to the kingship of

Germany? 947. What was the condition of the Italian kingdom while its foreign

emperors were living beyond the Alps? 947.

To what did Emperor Frederick Barbarossa agree in 1177? 947. How was Italy divided in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? 948. What century was the most disastrous in Italian history? 948. In the sixteenth century how was the papacy strengthened? 948. When did Napoleon conquer Italy? 948. What did the Congress of Vienna do for Italy in 1815? 948. Who were the leaders in the rebellion of 1848? 948. When did the emancipation of Italy become complete? 948. What did the pope retain? 948. When was King Humbert assassinated? 948. Who is the present ruler of Italy? 948.


What is said of the first inhabitants of Switzerland? 1858. When was Christianity adopted? 1858. Of what empire was Switzerland formerly a part? 1858. What caused the men of the forest cantons to begin war against

Austria? 1858.

What famous battle ended the Swiss struggles with Austria? 1858. By what means was other territory won by Switzerland? 1858. How did Zurich become a Protestant city? 1858.