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Against whom was a religious war waged? 1858.

Who was successful in this war? 1858.

In what treaty did the European powers acknowledge the independence of Switzerland? 1858.

By whom was Switzerland seized in 1798? 1858.

When did it recover its freedom? 1858.

What have the various cantons attempted to regain since they re* covered their freedom from France? 1858.

Who were the Free Corps? 1413. What was their purpose? 1413.

What league did the Catholic cantons form? 1858.

By whom was a successful war waged against the Catholic cantons? 1858.

When was the present constitution chosen? 1858.


Of what race do the Spanish nobles claim to he descendants? 785. What has made Seville one of the country's most famous cities? 1729. During what siege did women and children throw themselves into the

fire while the men fought? 1654. What is the condition of the Alhambra to-day? 50. Who were the earliest visitors to Spain? 1788. What people made the first effort to occupy the country? 1788. What people were expelled by the Romans? 1788. When was the Roman conquest of the peninsula completed? 1788. By what name was Spain known to the Romans? 1788. When did Spain become the seat of a Gothic kingdom? 1788. How long did the Moorish kingdom in Spain last? 1788. When did it reach its highest prosperity? 1788. Who was the most powerful ruler? 1788. How were the different provinces united? 1789. What discovery raised Spain to a high place among European nations?


How did Philip II become^ king of the country? 1467. How did he exhaust the strength of the country? 1789. For what purpose did he organize "the invincible Armada"? 1467. Under whose leadership was the Union of Utrecht formed? 1467. What part did Spain take in the Thirty Years' War, and with what

result? 1789.

Who was the first Bourbon king of Spain? 1789. What queen whom Carlyle called the termagant disturbed the peace

of Europe for thirty years? 1469. What king did the people of the country refuse to recognize in 1808?


What great naval battle was fought at Trafalgar? 1934. Who is the present king of Spain? 1789. What led to the Spanish-American war, and what was the result of

this war? 1789. -


How far back does the history of Denmark go? 520 What country did Waldemar I conquer? 521. What was the character of Queen Margaret's rule? 521. How was Christian I chosen king? 521.

Under whose rule was Sweden separated from Denmark? 521. When was Norway lost to Denmark? 521. To Sweden? 1855. With what other people is the history of this country associated? 1361. When was Norway attached to Sweden? 1361. When were titles of nobility abolished? 1361.

Who is said to have first conquered the whole of Sweden? 1854. What were the Swedes in general doing at the time their history

begins? 1854.

Who was the first Christian king, and when was he baptized? 1854. When and under what ruler were the three Scandinavian countries

united? 1854.