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When and where was the first railroad built in the United States? 1581.

How many miles of railroad in the United States in 1908? 1582.

How many miles of railroad in the world in 1908? 1682.

What is the strength of the United States army and navy? 1984.

What is the population of the United States of each: Indian, Negro and foreign born? 1976.

What is the salary of each cabinet officer? 1984.

When was the Naval Department of the United States formed and by what officers was it controlled? 1985.

How did the naturalization laws of the United States compare with those of other countries? 1307.

How is the Signal Service of the United States operated? 1755.

In what way are taxes imposed in the United States? 1874.

How many judges are there in the Suprem'e Court of the United States? 467.

What is the duty of consuls? 448.

What is the present policy of the United States government with regard to the Indians? 921.

To whom is the United States indebted for the purchase of Alaska? 1730.

What is the most populous city of southern California which was founded by the Spaniards? 1116.

What came near involving the United States with Chile in 1891? 388.

How is the number of representatives in Congress regulated, and how often is their number changed? 442.

Who commanded the famous Alabama? 1722.

When did the first Colonial Congress meet? 442.

What celebrated Polish general took part in th)e American. Revolutionary War? 1011.

What was the beginning of the postoffice? 1536.

Which was the last settled of the thirteen states? 752.

Where are the mints of the United States? 1237.

What famous battle was fought at Games' Mills? 728.

What are the most noted cases of impeachment? 917.

In what war was the Monitor first used? 1251.

What persons are barred from serving as electors? 596.

What tribe of Indians took sides with the British during the Revolutionary War? 376.

Why was the first political party called Federalists? 1519.

What naval battle is known as Perry's victory? 1454.

Which presidents have been elected by the House of Representatives? 1545.

Whom do the Americans address as His Excellency? 12.

In what famous battle did the British lose twenty-six hundred and the Americans but six men killed and thirteen wounded? 952.

What general in the Civil War was called Superb? 833.

What harbor was headquarters for the northern division of the American fleet during the War of 1812? 1651.

What is the Signal Service? 1755.

What was the beginning of the second Seminole war? 1396.

When was th'e town of Chicago organized? 379.

When did the Democratic party come into existence? 1520.

What year were there four candidates in the field, all claiming to be Democrats? 1520.

Who led the Whig party and what ground did it take? 1520.

What first weakened the Whig party? 1520.

When did the Whig party cease to exist? 1520.

When did the Anti-Masonic party arise? 1520.

Of what was the Republican party formed, and when? 1520.

Wnen were each of the three following parties formed: Greenbackers, Constitutional Union and Union Labor party? 1520.