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What tale of chivalry set European romance agoing? 56. Who was Portugal's great poet? How did his writings affect the

people? 315, 1086.

With whom did the Portuguese literature reach its height? 1086. What can you tell of the nineteenth century literature of Portugal?



What one of the great epics of the world originated in Finland? 1086. Who discovered it? How did he recover it? 1086.


Who was the first writer to create a good Dutch prose? 1086. For what is Vondel noted? 1086. What was the only book, except the Bible, that for a long time was

found in Dutch homes? 1086.

Who were some of the important Dutch writers? 1086. What Dutchman wrote Imitatio Christif 996. Which founded international law? 1038, 1086. Who was the Prince of the Renascence? 623. What Jewish Dutchman was a great philosopher? 1799.


What is included in Scandanavian literature? 1087. What do you understand by Edda? 1087, 581. What were the sagas? 1087, 1628. In what modern literatures do they play a part? 1266, 785, 1606, 1756,

2033, 1347.

What was remarkable about the Icelandic sagas? 1087. When did the literature of Norway first become of importance? 1087. What Norwegian was considered one of the great dramatists of his

day? 909.

What is the nature of Bjornson's writings? 1087, 221. Who founded the Copenhagen theater, and what were some of his

writings? 1087.

What is Denmark's national song? 1087. Who wrote it? 1087. What Danish historian revolutionized our ideas as to the first five

centuries of Roman history? 1349.

Why do most of us know Hans Christian Andersen? 1087. Among great critics who is a Dane? 260. What Was the nature of the earliest Swedish writings? 1087. What great naturalist greatly influenced the literature of Sweden?


Who was the great theological writer of the eighteenth century? 1087. What Swedish lady was a famous novelist? 263. What is the most powerful Swedish novel? 1087. What epic at once became the most popular poem in Sweden? 1880.


How far back does German literature date? 1087. Who were the Minnesinger? 1087, 1236. What two epic poems are considered to be the greatest treasures

of German national literature? 1087. What can you tell of these epics? 1087, 1347. What great tone-poet used them and the sagas? 2033. During the fifteenth century what plays rose to their height? 1087,


Do any of them survive still? 1368. What famous fable did a German write? 1604. What fixed the literary language? 1087.

With whom does modern German literature commence? 1087. Who is called the Luther of German literature, drama and art? 1058. "What German savant almost equaled Newton?